2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Yep those futuras are da first must haves for next year....which is crazy cuz my new years resolution was supposed to be to stop buying sneakers. :ohwell:

Anyways beautiful day today in NY so last wear and then they get relegated to da back of da closet till next summer...

Yeah, I’m imagining it’s gonna be a sht show for these, but I definitely need. Only thing I’m not into on them (but it’s an easy fix) is it looks like they come with split laces, akin to what we think of on the Union 1 Highs. I’m not big on those on the 1s, and not big on them here either, but again I’ll just swap them out with whatever additional laces they come with.
I’m gonna shoot my shot, even though I know for a fact it’s going to be an instant L
Tired of these skate shops gaming us for 'donations'. So they can take all of them and claim them as deductions on THEIR taxes and make a few thousand more without selling a damn show if they wanted. Let's say 1000 (light number) donate $5 to Atlas. They then claim that and get a free $2k in their pocket after taxes. I get the 'helping' thing but it is something I really despise. I make my own donations so get bent. Just like rounding up at the register. Never will do that.
Wait ....da Candy Cornys are SB's?!....I thot they were a GR.....anywayzzz had them in hand today (did not pay attention to da tongue thats why i cant tell if sb or not), and although they are horrible looking, quality is pretty decent.
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