2025 NBA Draft Thread

Which is what Rod(who is well sourced) is pointing out in the full article as to why the national media isnt mocking Scoot here. He’s showing the other side of it.

You say especially if players are xyz as if a 20ppg scorer and a versatile young forward are trash

That's an incorrect assumption. They are not trash, however, Miller clearly has a higher ceiling that any of them.
  • PJ is a role player at best and he was already coming off the bench when Miles was playing well
  • Miles is coming off criminal charges and his ceiling is a one or two time all star that can also play the 4 in small ball lineups (they should)
  • Hayward is washed on an expiring contract and is absolutely not part of the future for the Hornets.
To not choose a future cornerstone player because of the mentioned players is being a bad GM. Does that mean they're trash? Absolutely not, but the analysis is.

The only way the Hornets will choose Scoot over Miller is if they feel that Scoot is the better prospect. Those three players should not weigh in the choice between the two. To weigh in Ball's fit with the prospect is fair, but that's as far as it goes with this team.
Was always a fan of multi sport athletes

Same. I have pretty good footwork because I played a ton of soccer growing up. Also thinking of the next play/ pass ahead of time because of the habbits built.

I also used my Muai Thai experience when the situation called for it :lol:
Soccer is a great first sport to pick up if you want your child to hoop in the future. Footwork comes in handy and the team fundamentals are pretty similar.
Soccer, hockey and lacrosse have the same concepts as basketball to score …Defense is similar too with mixing in zones, pressing etc.
Sounds like whitmore has a workout with Detroit tomorrow

Between Cade Ivey and whitmore that’s hella talent

Might not be the sauciest of the younger gen but that’s still 3 dudes who can play on offense and not overlap too much positionally

That line drive attacking of Ivey and whitmore
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