2025 NBA Draft Thread

There are arguments against Scoot too. Despite all the potential, a good chunk of his season was trash. He actually got worse as the season went on.
I don’t buy cam whitmore falling on draft night
Ive been trying to get yo to Orlando or DC and

One thing I like about Miller is he got that scoring instinct…If yo adjusts to the NBA, can pencil yo in for 20 a night easy
How Broken is Scoot’s jumper?

Raptors need a shooter bad, would be dumb to move up in the draft to draft a non-shooter.

Not broken at all. Totally solid, infanct better than most of these super athelte PGs at the same age.

Wall, Rose, Westbrook.

Id say Scoots jumper better than all of them.

Raps should absolutely trade for Scoot if the opportunity was available.,
Yucky. They’re like all-time level athletes though it sounds like, so hopefully they can develop a bit :lol:
Them being 20. 5 and playing against HSers seems like such a red flag to me.
Same. I was all set on amen until I read this article from deanondraft and now I don’t know who the rockets should take :smh:


I actually already experienced this emotion back in December :lol:

Really good thread. Lately I’ve been lower on everybody after pick #2. Lowkey a weak class. I’m sure there will be stars from this class that we probably don’t expect but for the rockets, picking after #2 is a complete failure no matter who it is.
Basically they gone be like Stacey Augmon or Tyrus Thomas.

Elite athletes who’ll probably make their hey on defens

Them boys was 19 in high school?
Yea I'm not touching the twins. I dont care how athletic they are.

4+ capable shooters at all times on the floor when the games count.
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