2025 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Pro B’s touched down today, these fit so nice compared to a lot of recent releases. They really nailed these imo.

Riots touched down the other day, maybe they’ll grow on me, but I just don’t see what everyone is loving about these. Unpopular opinion, I know but I just don’t see it lol

Also picked up Silver Surfers for half off at a local spot, was really surprised at how nice the materials are on these. In a different era, got a feeling these would have been a banger, glad we’re in the era where they can be had for half off 😂
Got these for $70 today


How close are these to the Syracuse? I'm tempted as I was never able to get the 'Cuse pair.
It's just chattin. Dudes like arguing, feeling like they're right about something lol. Kendrick vs Drake, LeBron vs Jordan, Riot vs whatever
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