2025 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

SKOL Vikes!

Actually nervous about this game though.

Line tells me Eagles have a real shot

i would have been as well but a buddy of mine cant go so i got his tix. first game of the year for me. i refuse to pay the resale price for games

I'm not even a huge fan of NFL in person, I prefer college football over NFL if I was to attend a game

Got these in the mail via Ebay, with og box and tag...a lil used but i kinda like the slightly worn look on them..the tumbled leather is rediculous, as good as it gets hehe.
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I contacted Underground Skate Shop just to double check on my Silver Box order, though I did get a confirmation email and everything, and they said everything is cool and that they are shipping out on Monday! So if you were able to get you a pair from them, you're solid.
Vikes all day!

Changing my mind about the crystals 

Repped. Panthers weren't always here and I picked the Vikes as a very young fan. Shortly after the Panthers arrived but I don't jump ship on my team!

As much as I bashed IWs, I might give in on Sea Crystals. Fat toungue and I'd be copping already.

sorry about last week @StillIn729

i'd def go gray laces with those silver/gray boxes...


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The Washington Indians :lol

Are the Sea Crystals still on sites? Imma bout to just say eff it & cop. They only 90
I'm not a fan of green so the silver boxes don't appeal to me but I hope everyone gets their pair. I'll just be patiently waiting for the black boxes to come out.
Man, I want that box shirt but $30 is just way too much for a shirt
Fingers crossed they sit and I pick one up later for like $15
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