21 on Friday, recommend me a good place to go............

Oct 30, 2006
well I turn 21 on Friday, and I don't know where to go, I heard the garage was pretty good and belltown is good... Any recommendations? Any help would begreatly appreciated!
the parlor in bell square. then you can go visit the new bowling alley there, for $75 an HOUR. smh.
Originally Posted by yamakazi18

the parlor in bell square. then you can go visit the new bowling alley there, for $75 an HOUR. smh.

The only time I went to Lucky Strike was for a party at the one in Hollywood. We didn't even bowl, we just drank. The bowling is secondary there.It's a nightclub with bowling, not a bowling alley. Also, a well shot of tequila at the one in Hollywood: $11. Fantastic. Fortunately I was hanging withsome rich people who paid for it all.
college pun at the inn
Its called the college inn pub.
Neighborhood: University District
4006 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105
Always looks poppin, never been myself (not 21). I hear thats the place to go for college students though.

The blue moon tavern looks good too, its on 45th
go to my place, you can bring the booze. depends on what you want, I mean want to get trashed or want to pick up chicks? Want to feel like a baller or a drunk.College pub is okay if you go to uw and need a regular spot, but it is where ugly mole girls go.

also dude where are you located or where are you trying to kick it?
I'm right in the heart of Seattle, the college pub sounds coo since I go to uw and know absolutley nobody.... But is the warroom any good? Thanks for theinput!
I like the Warroom, but i wouldnt recommend it for your 21st.

My advice for your 21st, would be to find the biggest dive bar you can, gather up a bunch of buddies, and tear that joint down. And if its a dive that doesntdo a lot of business, they'll be a bit more reluctant to throw you out for acting a fool, as they dont want to lose all the money your friends (should) bespending on you.

ps - if your friends arent buying all your drinks and trying to put you into an alcohol induced coma....find new friends.
I ended up at the ballroom in freemont.... I had fun, drank my!%%$ off and made an!%%$ of myself from what ive been told.... Been throwing up all day
thanksfor the input nt
but they have good pizza and a covered patio

besides he just turned 21 he just needed somewhere to get poofaced.
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