21 year old saw attacks coming..

It was a local story for the most part since he was from LI and it is indeed disturbing that he saw them coming but not a surprise. With all of attacks committed by our "allies" they have grown paranoid and rightfully so. We need to get our troops out of there and leave those people to slaughter each other.
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Bro I'm about to be 22 and I'm glad I never signed up for armed forces.. its crazy how little you mean in that sort of setting..
I mean 2 days before he leaves they turn on them nd kill them.. I'm sure the man knew wat he was talking about nd I can't discredit wat a father says his son told him.. if a guy my age could pick up on something funny going on I'm pretty sure his superiors have to sense it, in some way.. supposedly the attacks on the 11th that killed the ambassador were from the inside... Some funny **** going down
Such a shame, he was my age too :smh: :smh: May all those fallen soldiers RIP we need to get the hell up out of there though..that is scary. And to think some want us to go into Iran too?? We don't need to lose any more heroic lives over this nonsense
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