22 Jump Street thread (6/13/2014, Redband trailer inside)

Anyone else catch the 2nd post credits scene?

Yup. The first big one was kinda just >D to me, but the 2nd one had me :lol:

We almost gave up on it, cuz the theater emptied out. It's really at the absolute end of the credits.
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I always felt like mike epps and Chris tucker and all the other charterers in the Friday movies really carried those movies. Never really thought Cube himself was that funny.

IMO this is his funniest role ever, 21 and 22 combined.
Crazy funny movie. It had points where the humor seemed forced but that was the whole point. It's satirical in a sense. It makes fun of itself
Cyn...thi...a ... She. is. dead.

:smh: :lol:

Just gotta break through the ceiling

The slam scene had me rolling. Film was good, only thing blotting me was a couple that brought their infant tat began crying. I was only person in theatre who had gulls to ask thm to leave.
Thought it was funny...Funniest part was "Well why don't you two tie your ***** together and get married?" I was rollin :lol:

Just got back from seeing it and I loved it.

I'd say the first one was a better movie.. because they seemed to blend the spoofing of cop movies, the buddy movie, and high school movies, all worked so well without being TOO in your face. Whereas this one they really hammered home the meta-commentary on sequels and franchises and "the department"/film studio. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED all of it. And MrO was right in how majority of people didn't even laugh at a lot of it.. like Offerman's speech which was choke full of meta goodness... and I can't believe I missed that red herring tattoo joke :lol: :smh:

I was DYING when Tatum realized what happened with Cube's daughter.. it just kept going and I would have watched another 5 straight minutes of him freaking out. And I remember thinking in the earlier scene, "That seems a bit weird that Cube would high five Jonah Hill but oh well it's a funny moment" and sure enough it comes back around :rofl: And then Cube's meltdown at the dinner.

I'm forgetting so many great moments but some highlights were Jillian (the roommate) constantly being present for their romantic moments and the Mr. and Mrs. Smithing fight :lol:
- The twins were great
- Hill trying to take a bullet for Tatum
- The thing he had to overcome this time was jumping and the parkour jokes
- The references to Tatum being the Terminator :lol: and how he jumped down the side of the building like Spider-Man
- The meet-cute with the QB :lol:
- Going back to Dave Franco and Rob Riggle in prison

I would have been satisfied if this movie was 80% as funny as the first one but it was just as good. A meta-commentary on sequels and franchises while keeping the same charm and sense of humor of the first one. Huge credit goes to Tatum and Hill for their incredible chemistry because it showed how much they like working together. An impressive sequel that managed to give you the things you loved about the first one without it feeling like the exact same thing (which was obviously a major point of the spoof/meta stuff). I'll probably see it again soon :lol:
Just saw this, it brought the lawlz.

It wasnt laugh hella hard lulz, but constant good enough lulz, if it makes sense.

Jillian to me was the funniest.

Everytime she came on she unloaded a clip.


I caught that Offerman speech too.

The credits though breh......


Military School, Jonahs face 

Would recommend. 

Ohh yeah, personally 22 > 21.
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It was pretty funny, funniest movie this summer.

The funniest part is when channing tatum finally puts 2 and 2 together LMAO :lol: if you saw it you know what I'm talking about
My favorite part was the beginning with their Mexican impersonations. And Jonah Hill with his walk of shames 
The movie didn't really deliver for me.

Jillian's character was a little dull but...

Poetry slam scene >>

"Jesus died for our Cyn... Thi... A."

Channing Tatum running around 22 Jump street yelling about Cubes daughter :rofl:
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