22% of Democrats Want CLINTON to Drop Out; 22% Say OBAMA Should Withdraw

May 25, 2003
Twenty-two percent (22%) of Democratic voters nationwide say that Hillary Clinton should drop out of the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination. However, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that an identical number-22%--say that Barack Obama should drop out.

A solid majority of Democrats, 62%, aren't ready for either candidate to leave the race. Nationally, Clinton and Obama are running essentiallyeven among Likely Democratic Primary Voters in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll.

Forty-seven percent (47%) of Obama supporters think Clinton should drop out. Thirty-eight percent (38%) of Clinton supporters say Obama should dropout. Those who remain undecided are a bit more likely to suggest that Obama should leave. But, it's worth noting that less than half of Obama supporterssay Clinton should withdraw, less than half of Clinton supporters say Obama should withdraw, and less than half of undecided voters say either should withdrawat this time.

Clinton leads Obama in Pennsylvania while Obama leads Clinton in North Carolina. New polling released today show that both candidates have lost ground in Missouri to Republican John McCain over the past month.

Interestingly, Republicans are more eager to see Clinton drop out rather than Obama. Forty-one percent (41%) of GOP voters say the former FirstLady should withdraw while just 24% say the same about the Senator from Illinois. Among unaffiliated voters, 30% say Clinton should drop out while 25% say thesame about Obama.

Six percent (6%) of Democrats would like both Clinton and Obama to drop out of the race.

The national telephone survey also found that 85% of all Democrats-and 87% of all voters-believe it is at least somewhat likely the Democraticnomination will remain unresolved until the Democratic convention in August. Fifty-two percent (52%) of all Democrats believe that a decision at the conventionis Very Likely.

Forty-seven percent (47%) of all voters say that Barack Obama would be the stronger general election candidate against John McCain. Thirty-fivepercent (35%) say Clinton would provide the bigger challenge. Among Democratic voters, 47% say Obama would be the stronger candidate while 42% say Clinton.Both Democrats currently trail John McCain nationally in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll.

Fifty-four percent (54%) of all voters say that Obama is likely to win the nomination. Twenty-four percent (24%) say Clinton is the likely nomineewhile 22% are not sure. Among Democrats 52% expect Obama to win while 28% say Clinton.

The hell?

@ people wanting Obama to drop out. He leads in states won,popular vote, and delegates.

If anything, everybody in the Democratic party should call for Clinton to drop out, as, the only way she gets the nomination is appealing to the superdelegates, and as we see, that basically goes against the will of the people. Couple in the fact that she's using the kitchen sink/win at all costsstrategy, and it's all sorts of bad. She's basically throwing everything at Obama, and hope stuff sticks.

I'm not saying Obama is a perfect candidate or anything, BUT, you can't take Hillary seriously after she implied that McCain would bring experience,she would bring experience, and Obama speeches to the Presidency. She's basically saying she's fit, the Republican nominee is fit, but her own fellowDemocrat is not fit for the Presidency.

What makes it even more stupid is McCain trumps her in experience if it is a head to head to matchup between her and McCain, so, she loses her own arguementthere.

And that's not even talking about her seeing a possible Clinton/Obama ticket. So, he's good and qualified enough to be your Vice President, but, notgood or qualified to be the President.

The reason why Republicans rather have Hillary drop out is because it's a better matchup against Obama.

Obama votes very liberal, and they can get at him for that. That, and his war stance. It's a stark contrast between him and McCain.

Plus, the Republican attack machine is just waiting to go on the offensive about Michelle Obama's comments, Wright's comments, etc.
Originally Posted by franchise3

The hell?

@ people wanting Obama to drop out. He leads in states won, popular vote, and delegates.
Do all these delegates transfer over in the general election? No.
Do all these delegates transfer over in the general election? No.
What is your point? Who cares about the general election right now. We need a winner in the primaries first.
Originally Posted by Dunkaroos

Originally Posted by franchise3

The hell?

@ people wanting Obama to drop out. He leads in states won, popular vote, and delegates.
Do all these delegates transfer over in the general election? No.

They don't.

But Hillary has only ONE shot at the nomination. And that's through the super delegates. And even then, it's iffy. She's going to call on thesuper delegates to overlook the fact that Obama will have more states won, the popular vote lead, and more delegates than her. Nevermind all that, and giveher the nomination instead.

And, as we see, the longer this goes, the more negative it becomes on the Democrat side, which is a negative.

There's no reason why Obama should drop out.

There's more than one on why Hillary should.
Either way, I think Obama is in sort of bad shape.

I think a lot of would be Hillary voters (older aged white women, her core) would vote McCain in the general before they do Obama.
at people wanting Obama to drop out.

They should've asked one follow-up question: "Why?"

Probably would've produced some
Originally Posted by PrurientSole

at people wanting Obama to drop out.

They should've asked one follow-up question: "Why?"

Probably would've produced some


Great point
^^its strange how people can still support her? she'll just say "I misremembered" about working to pass NAFTA and her supporters will believeit.
I'd like to know how Hillary supporters explain her lying about supporting NAFTA and her Bosnia trip and try to make a response without mentioning BarackObama, John Mc.Cain or anyone else.
MSNBC has been known to show bias toward Mr. Obama, BUT Hillary is still full of it. She's too much of a politician in my eyes. Says one thing, doesanother.

Anyways, No one is going to withdraw or drop out. This fight will continue at least through the Pennsylvania primary and then until June. Howard Dean needs

to have a sit down with both Clinton and Obama and come to a conclusion for this. The longer we wait, the more time McCain has to strategize his attacks on

our nominee and that does NOT bode well for the general election.
Dems sold their soul to the devil when they let Pelosi be speaker of the house.

McCain doesnt have to attack either candidate they are both bringing out their bad sides and lack of knowledge.
In principle, there's no reason why people should be dropping out at this point. However, things are starting to get divisive, and this primary is gettingugly and will hurt whichever candidate makes it all the way through. Still, I don't think there will be much damage in terms of the general election, butit may cause the party as a whole some difficulties.

Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

polls mean nothing
Uhh yes they do.... what are you talking about? They see how people feel about subjects...

Actually polls mean nothing, step up your knowledge.

I think most people miss the point of polls. They don't give you a strict number to go by. They are only useful when you take them with a grain of saltand understand their limitations.
Clinton still has a ton of campaign funds, no way she drops out. I think its great these two are fighting to the end. The nation is hearing this on a dailybasis, and both are getting the National spotlight. It puts them in prime position for the general election.

After all this is settled, Clinton or Obama, whomever the loser is will be campaigning for the other so all these polls currently don't mean much. Themedia is making it sound like there will be hard feelings towards each other after the dust settles and I just shake my head because these are politicians,they have tough skins. I doubt they will hold grudges and both will do whatever it takes to get a Democrat in the WH. I can already see Bill Clinton wearinga Obama Hope Tshirt in a few months. This is going to be good.
Originally Posted by franchise3

The hell?

@ people wanting Obama to drop out. He leads in states won, popular vote, and delegates.

If anything, everybody in the Democratic party should call for Clinton to drop out, as, the only way she gets the nomination is appealing to the super delegates, and as we see, that basically goes against the will of the people. Couple in the fact that she's using the kitchen sink/win at all costs strategy, and it's all sorts of bad. She's basically throwing everything at Obama, and hope stuff sticks.

I'm not saying Obama is a perfect candidate or anything, BUT, you can't take Hillary seriously after she implied that McCain would bring experience, she would bring experience, and Obama speeches to the Presidency. She's basically saying she's fit, the Republican nominee is fit, but her own fellow Democrat is not fit for the Presidency.

What makes it even more stupid is McCain trumps her in experience if it is a head to head to matchup between her and McCain, so, she loses her own arguement there.

And that's not even talking about her seeing a possible Clinton/Obama ticket. So, he's good and qualified enough to be your Vice President, but, not good or qualified to be the President.

The reason why Republicans rather have Hillary drop out is because it's a better matchup against Obama.

Obama votes very liberal, and they can get at him for that. That, and his war stance. It's a stark contrast between him and McCain.

Plus, the Republican attack machine is just waiting to go on the offensive about Michelle Obama's comments, Wright's comments, etc.

The best candidate is not always the one who wins. Just because Obama leads that does not in anyway mean he is a better candidate. Look at Kerry in 2004.Edwards, Clarke, and even Dean would have fared much better in the General, as in they might have actually won.

As far as the entire Pres/VP thing, the ONLY reason there is talk about a Clinton/Obama or vice versa ticket is due to the base that each would bring.It's not a question of qualifications, it's a question of what you bring to the table.
Polls are a snapshot of what is happening at the moment. Also, especially on lower level races such as state legislative or even local elections, if you'vegot high name ID and run a poll showing how much more people favor you over your opponents (even though its usually because they only know your name)you're crazy not to think it doesn't mean more funds coming in and even possibly endorsements.

So yeah, polls can be useful.
The best candidate is not always the one who wins. Just because Obama leads that does not in anyway mean he is a better candidate. Look at Kerry in 2004. Edwards, Clarke, and even Dean would have fared much better in the General, as in they might have actually won.

As far as the entire Pres/VP thing, the ONLY reason there is talk about a Clinton/Obama or vice versa ticket is due to the base that each would bring. It's not a question of qualifications, it's a question of what you bring to the table.

True, but this is the Democratic Party we're talking about here. They were talking about how Kerry had more popular votes than Bush in 04. The same party that were preaching every vote counts during the whole Gore/Bush fiasco.

So, if Obama leads in all the important categories, and the super delegates then hands the nomination over to Hillary, how do you think the party will fare?

A LOT of people are going to think it's a shady and tainted process.

It would only HURT the Dem. Party.

As for the whole VEEP thing, true but it's still dumb.

He's good enough to be my VEEP, but not good enough to be Pres.
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