22 Yrs. old... finally decided it was time to get a credit card.

still wish i would've stuck with the debit card. when i knew ishouldn't spend, i'd transfer the money out of my checking and into savings. now i try to leave the credit card at home. times is hard...everyone'sin debt.
im in the same boat i really want one just to buiold up credit , whats a good one , your know apr and decent limit
get as many as you can & just run it into debt

if they call your phone asking whats good

tell em

" have them write another bailout im sure they will save you before us "
i have one... its a good way 2 set limits for yourself and credit at the same time.. and good money management..
'Preciate the good insight y'all..

I forgot to mention in my initial post that I was already approved for a card from my bank (wells fargo).
i got my first credit card when i was 17, and honestly that time i wasnt mature enough to have one, cuz i end up $2000 in dept.. but now its different story..

its always good to use ur credit card responsibly because at your age you should build your credit up, so maybe one day you can get a house and etc
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