23 Yr Old Snapchat CEO Turns Down 3 Billion Offer From FB

Man, I've been say I need to create a dope app. I'm seriously down w/ whoever is tryna do it. PM me. Seriously :lol:
Exactly. I would have turned it down too. Just wait another 3-4 years....probably 10x that amount :lol: :lol:

Ok but Snapchat seems like just another trend thats hot right now. It doesn't strike me as an app that's gonna be big for years to come
Smart Move. Facebook wouldn't offer him 3Billion unless they know they can make more than that from this.

At the end of the day he'll prolly keep banking as this company keeps growing.

All of ya'll say you would take if because your thirsty for quick money with no amitions of making more.
SC is cool but how does it generate any revenue?

Doesn't matter. Some one will find a way.

Remember when FB acquired Insta and people asked the same thing?

"It's as simple as this: brands create Instagram videos, share them to their Facebook pages and then boost them into paid media that hits the Facebook Newsfeed, in the same way that they boost text or photo posts. This enables brands to reach Facebook's 818 million monthly active mobile users, which dwarfs Instagram's 130 million. It's profiting from Instagram without having to advertise on Instagram."

Doesn't matter if money can be made now. It's all about continuing to grow user base and banking on being able to execute a profit generating plan later on without polluting or changing the user experience.
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It's easy to see how IG could be integrated with FB

I don't see it with SC as it's entire premise is disappearing photos/videos.

It serves such a different purpose and doesn't seem to be any kind of threat/competition like IG was
It's easy to see how IG could be integrated with FB

I don't see it with SC as it's entire premise is disappearing photos/videos.

It serves such a different purpose and doesn't seem to be any kind of threat/competition like IG was

It does serve a different purpose. And that's a good thing. Different eyes, different markets, and different ways to advertise. Like I said, someone would figure out a way to hit the profit lanes. (Later on)

For now, keep growing the teen/early twenty user base.
It's easy to see how IG could be integrated with FB

I don't see it with SC as it's entire premise is disappearing photos/videos.

It serves such a different purpose and doesn't seem to be any kind of threat/competition like IG was

You'll get snapchats from random brands; messages containing giveaways, surprises, special releases, etc.

endless possible ways to advertise.
Smart Move. Facebook wouldn't offer him 3Billion unless they know they can make more than that from this.

At the end of the day he'll prolly keep banking as this company keeps growing.

All of ya'll say you would take if because your thirsty for quick money with no amitions of making more.

Dude it's 3 BILLION DOLLARS. 3 thousand Million ...that's not being thirsty for quick money
I have an idea for a billion dollar app but I don't kno how to create apps and feel someone will steal my idea so yea lol
SC advertisements sound annoying. If I couldn't disable those I would probably stop using it :lol:
Alot of people with new companies get offered Millions or billions but alot turn it down. This is nothing new.

Im trying to create an APP though... I got ideas but IDK how to do it or go about with it....
I wonder how Instagram people feel after selling Instagram for "only" 1 billion
F it, I prolly would have took that 3 billion cash & kept a high ranking job/ board position @ the company. What can't you buy with 3b that you can with 100?

My family gonna be set for life for generations regardless.

You cant spend all that money
Word . . . not to mention the app has a limited shelf life . . . it's not something semi-practical like Twitter or Facebook

Would have took that 3 Bil from FB or that 4 Bil from the other company and been cool . . . this might backfire
it's stupid,

not because it's a lot of money, but because snapchat has 1 novelty, "anonymity", and every day it slips away more and more.

as every day passes authorities will want access to who is sending what
as every day passes they are making aps that allow you to take screen shots
as every day passes we're getting closer to websites dedicated to "exposing" da snapchat flashers.

it's appeal is on a decline, he should have taken what they offered.
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Alot of people with new companies get offered Millions or billions but alot turn it down. This is nothing new.

Im trying to create an APP though... I got ideas but IDK how to do it or go about with it....

Not companies with ZERO REVENUE.

Your local McDonald's cashier makes more money than SnapChat.

Alot of people with new companies get offered Millions or billions but alot turn it down. This is nothing new.

Im trying to create an APP though... I got ideas but IDK how to do it or go about with it....

Not companies with ZERO REVENUE.

Your local McDonald's cashier makes more money than SnapChat.


Obviously your not a smart asian woman. Keep it moving.

dude knows what I mean but yet wants to respond. :smh:

What are you talking about?

Name me THREE companies that have rejected a multi-billion dollar offer in cash. Then name me ONE other company with zero revenue that gets an offer of $3bill cash. I'll wait.

That's what I thought.
There are lot of good articles out there about how to start a tech start-up without coding skills (or other hard skills).

Basically, you have to be rich as ****, smart as ****, and charismatic as ****.

But in all seriousness, start designing your app. Draw out how even individual page looks like, maybe even use Illustrator or Photoshop to design each page and set up some type of slideshow that mimics how the app would behave if it were fully functional.

If you can get that done, you have a lot more work than someone starting from scratch. This, along with some connections and/or money, might land you as a co-founder if you can find yourself a developer. A lot of this stuff is mentioned on Quora, go check it out.
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