24/7/365 The Tomb Remains Guarded

Originally Posted by south sole

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

War is the health of the State. War is an excuse to rob you of your rights. Every lie the government tells you about going to war, they rob people of their rights. Every time this government decided to go to war, it was based on a LIE and propaganda that you obviously believe which serves the financial interests of defense companies.

The soldiers of this military who are suppose to bring "peace" are nothing but glorified terrorists who destroy the private property of people in other countries. The military strategically recruits low IQ kids, because they know they don't ask questions and do what they are told. We are told that anyone who fired at the U.S. military are terrorists, but these people are defending their land against these people who invade their country with helicopters, tanks, and drone missiles.

Ask the numerous amputee and handicapped soldiers what they were in these wars for. What was the purpose? To liberate? To free people? By dropping bombs and shooting innocent civilians? The U.S. military trains their soldiers to devalue human life. 90% of casualties of war since WWII have been civilians, but this government call them "collateral damage".

American soldiers don't sacrifice for duty, honor, country. They serve the interests of KBR and Halliburton, and alike. American soldiers are fighting for the permanent bases in the middle-east.


The military serves to rape these of countries of their natural resources for Big Business and nothing else. Iraq lives in a permanent Police State with checkpoints, curfews, and daily raids, same thing in Afghanistan in "U.S. controlled areas".

The real military heroes are the ones that tell the truth against these illegal and immoral occupations.



It's obvious that you have some vendetta against the government but this nation was built on fighting for freedom. I'm sure if this was World War I, you'd find something to complain about, some people are just disposed to these sentiments regardless of the bigger picture. Thing is, the only time the US tried to remain neutral, we were attacked on our own soil. You can spout all these rhetoric filled theories that are popular with government dissidents, but at the end of the day, our military does much more for you than you can even comprehend. People like you know everything that's "wrong" with the government but have no idea how to correct these "wrongs." If it were up to many of you "conspiracists" you'd disband the military & eliminate the need for currency, leaving us primed for attack.
Regardless of what many of you think, war is a perpetual enterprise. We weaken our military, we get attacked by someone who doesn't share your views.
Quit trolling dude.....

You seem like a habitually angry poster that has nothing positive to add but just bitterness. And this is just on the internet. I feel sorry for your real life.
Originally Posted by Any Given Sunday89

I'm sure you think Afghanistan was much better under Taliban control and their awesome ideology. I'm sure you love how they treated women, and kept the country in the stone age. Spare me.
You might as well invade the whole world if you think that. You fail to look at history as an explanation for why certain efforts and occupations do not work. Afghanistan will always remain in the stone age. Its a highly divisive society based on tribal interests. The Taliban were in power for six years before we did anything and the only reason we are there now is because of the Al Qaida training camps. The Taliban existed before and some form will exist after our occupation ends. It sucks but its how that society works.
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I totally understand the sacrifice SOME military personnel give up in order to protect my freedom(s)...but you guys think ALL military do it just to protect our freedom.  #%+% here...I went to h.s. with dudes who just weren't college material nor hustler types and their only way was to go into the military.  BUT I still do not understand the necessity to guard a tomb of dead soldiers who could not be found after wars.  Especially during hurricane conditions where he could have possibly lost his own life.  In all honesty it seems like it's all just for show.  Isn't arlington already guarded and patrolled?
Some of you Keyboard gangsters kill me. Wouldn't lift a finger to do anything that doesn't involve rolling a blount, buying some foamposites, or adjusting your "snap-back", but quick to put down what's important to other people.

I'm done with this thread. Some of you are pretty damn pathetic. Keep being tough guys behind your computer monitors.
It's frightening how many of you are truly blinded as to how corrupt our military is. It sounds as if some of you really believe we go invade foreign countries to help out the citizens. Honor and valor
yeah right, give me a break. My people just got off the back of the bus like 40 years ago I have little to be patriotic about.
It's one thing to respect the sacrifice of soldiers; it's another thing to support their exploitation. Seems many can't distinguish between the two.

Nowadays the same people behind pushing that "we fight for freedom" non-sense are the ones sitting behind desks strategizing how to exploit the service of men whose lives they don't give a damb about in order to fuel imperialist conquest & advance twisted agendas. If you really care about the troops, why would you support them being thrown into the midst of pointless, poorly planned conflicts ?
Originally Posted by Any Given Sunday89

And...What has this country accomplished by these wars? Explain. And don't say "spreading Democracy", spare me.

I'm sure you think Afghanistan was much better under Taliban control and their awesome ideology. I'm sure you love how they treated women, and kept the country in the stone age. Spare me.

This has got to be a joke. I'm sure the Afghani people love the fact that their current government is more corrupt than the one that was forcefully removed and is financially supported by the U.S. and having rigged elections. I'm sure that they are ecstatic to have their home land occupied. I'm sure that they are happy to have constant drones bomb weddings, funerals, women, and children. Get out of here, dude.

It's obvious that you have some vendetta against the government but this nation was built on fighting for freedom. I'm sure if this was World War I, you'd find something to complain about, some people are just disposed to these sentiments regardless of the bigger picture. Thing is, the only time the US tried to remain neutral, we were attacked on our own soil. You can spout all these rhetoric filled theories that are popular with government dissidents, but at the end of the day, our military does much more for you than you can even comprehend. People like you know everything that's "wrong" with the government but have no idea how to correct these "wrongs." If it were up to many of you "conspiracists" you'd disband the military & eliminate the need for currency, leaving us primed for attack.
Regardless of what many of you think, war is a perpetual enterprise. We weaken our military, we get attacked by someone who doesn't share your views.

The Revolutionary War was fought for freedom, this country currently fights wars for DOMINATION not Freedom. This country gains NOTHING fighting these wars, killing innocent people, and raping other countries of natural resources.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

It's frightening how many of you are truly blinded as to how corrupt our military is. It sounds as if some of you really believe we go invade foreign countries to help out the citizens. Honor and valor
yeah right, give me a break. My people just got off the back of the bus like 40 years ago I have little to be patriotic about.

Name one country that doesn't have a "corrupt" military. Matter of fact, name another you'd rather be a citizen of.
America is such a terrible place...9/11 was a set up...our military is corrupt...we have no freedom. All this while you're on a messageboard dedicated to overpriced sneakers sitting in the comfort of your own home, in A/C, on high speed internet, and will probably not go hungry tonight. Yeah, life is pretty brutal out in these parts.
Originally Posted by dadecounty11

Some of you Keyboard gangsters kill me. Wouldn't lift a finger to do anything that doesn't involve rolling a blount, buying some foamposites, or adjusting your "snap-back", but quick to put down what's important to other people.

I'm done with this thread. Some of you are pretty damn pathetic. Keep being tough guys behind your computer monitors.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

America is such a terrible place...9/11 was a set up...our military is corrupt...we have no freedom. All this while you're on a messageboard dedicated to overpriced sneakers sitting in the comfort of your own home, in A/C, on high speed internet, and will probably not go hungry tonight. Yeah, life is pretty brutal out in these parts.

They don't get that their is millions of people that try to gain citizenship every year to this country, where we have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and to have the opportunity with what ever we want with our lives.  But they wouldn't appreciate unless they lived in some obscure third world country where they can't find enough food to feed their families.
If you have such a strong disgust with the government, what can YOU do to stop it?

oh...yea...thats right, you still support it by paying taxes, eating fast food, sitting on your %%* watching t.v, blending in with society and living a worthless middle class life waiting for your chance to sit behind a computer and unleash your irrational thoughts about how such a cynical place you live in.
Grow the $%%# up, go pay your student loan debts or join the military. If you want to go down the student route, good luck and respect to you. WE understand your gonna go through hell as soon as you graduate since the economy is draining. If your degree leaves you out to dry, try the military. Ohh but that sounds like an easy paycheck and a way to have my loans paid off, until you realize the amount of hardwork you have to put in to see those benefits. Yet, the most you can do is speak upon a subject that you won't even TRY to join. Sounds like the kid who constantly got cut from the team and is sitting in the crowd saying " Yea...eff all that running. Its not for me, i can get money. I dont need to respect those dudes, they arent !+@*"................RRRRIGGGHHTTT

Make up your mind before you spit out the trash that sits on your worthless brains. If you haven't joined any military branch what gives you the right to speak on it? ohhhhhhhh thats right the 1st amendment. The 1st amendment that the government gave you RIGHTS to have. RIGHTS that you use and abuse to your own advantage to look down upon someone in uniform because that soldier took another route in life.
I will laugh in all of your faces when a draft comes and start to twitch with anxiety, trying to find any excuse to get out of it.

but...were the sheep??

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

I honestly gotta stop coming in this thread. Some of you people are just plain remedial.
It's %*#%!+! pathetic, honestly.

Dude said tax dollars were being wasted when he was DEAD *#* WRONG
......keep spewing that @%#%*$*! though, little man.
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