24+ y/o NTers, give some advice to us younger NTers

definitely needed to see this thread
- 31

- Wrap it up.

- If you already have kids or have one/some on the way. Do WHATEVER you can to raise them right.

- Live within your means.

- Never be too cool to do cool things.

- Never allow anybody to pull you out of your character. Be happy.
Originally Posted by ponson02

-Im 32. Do not party your early 20's away. Go hard in school and sacrifice some to make sure you're good out of school. There is still so much more left after 22-25 and you will be able to do it so much better, kinda on a more real life level.

-Do not allow youself to get caught up in an unexpected pregnancy.

-Do not accumulate unnecessary debt early on.

-If school is not your route then spend this time specializing and establishing some credibility in some area.
this right here is soo sooo true didnt take my university to serious now imat a community college hate it so much 

now im back on my grind 21 if that matters....

thanks to some of the older heads for the advice 
almost 30

Have a plan, but never let plan keep you from living.
Don't let fear hold you back
NOTHING is forever: things change, people change, circumstances change
Keep a hobby.
Be happy
Originally Posted by DimesLikeHefner

Originally Posted by scshift

I'm in

OP I thought you were a college grad though?
Nah lol, I'm only 18.. But I'm unemployed and my Dad said he's not paying a cent for my college, and he's kicking me out in 3 weeks so I gotta do what I gotta do
Damn, you're unemployed and he's kicking you out?
Best wishes OP.
Originally Posted by DimesLikeHefner

Nah lol, I'm only 18.. But I'm unemployed and my Dad said he's not paying a cent for my college, and he's kicking me out in 3 weeks so I gotta do what I gotta do

Damn taking out a loan for college isn't the best idea, as you probably already know. Honestly I'd look constantly for ways to avoid borrowing that money, find a loophole in the system of something just don't put debt on your head.

Is tuition a lot?
Originally Posted by Al Audi

eat good, you look good, when you look good, you feel good, when you feel good, you do good.

SLEEP is so very important
if there is no pain, there is no gain.
How did I know your post was going to be superficial
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by DimesLikeHefner

Nah lol, I'm only 18.. But I'm unemployed and my Dad said he's not paying a cent for my college, and he's kicking me out in 3 weeks so I gotta do what I gotta do

Damn taking out a loan for college isn't the best idea, as you probably already know. Honestly I'd look constantly for ways to avoid borrowing that money, find a loophole in the system of something just don't put debt on your head.

Is tuition a lot?

Nah, he just doesn't want to pay for it. That's the type of guy he his. He told me either to join the military or I can get kicked out. Never really thought about joining because I don't believe in war. But you can't really let these things get you down. You got a whole life to live. Make the most of it. With whatever you do
- Be social you never know the connections you'll make.
- Don't hold grudges
- Fight the battles that are worth fighting, dumb arguments are a waste of time.
- If you're in college don't wife up the first pretty girl you see, experience the buffet
- But on the same note once you meet a girl that's worth it, JO's are a dime a dozen the good ones are hard to find
- You can't help people who don't wanna be helped that includes friends, family and women
- As others have said wear a condom you don't wanna get stuck dealing with a chick you hate because you share a child
humbly seek knowledge, humbly teach knowledge (looks like you got this one already)

everything in moderation

get enough sleep
nothing will be funner than college, unless youre a millionaire or something. so dont hold back.

goes both ways though. dont be a bum who majored in social studies and aint doing anything after either.
Wear a condom, I was going in team raw, now I have a baby girl on the way at the age of 21.
Live your life for yourself, do what makes you happy. Stop being concerned about what others think and say about you.
Damn, all I gotta say is adapt to all circumstances and keep your composure by focusing on the positive things in your life. At least that's what I'm trying to do in this planet.

Having a kid early on messes everything up!

Bust your ++% in school!

But most importantly ESTABLISH CONNECTIONS EVERYWHERE YOU CAN!!! Having connections and friends in high places is what gets you ahead in this world.


Finally, don't post anything stupid on NT, we all have our flame throwers ready....nothing hurts more than pages of NT members making fun of you!
Originally Posted by Retro23J

Go after what you want instead of standing around wondering what if. Daydreaming about what if's is when you had the opportunity to actually KNOW what could have been is for suckers.

Put people that don't respect you or hold you back at a distance.

^ These two really hit home for me.

31 here.

I still remember when I was in my late teens, early 20's, me and my crew would just sit around, get high, and TALK about how what we would do, and how we would it once we finished school, got great paying jobs, yadda yadda yadda.  almost TEN YEARS LATER, some of em are still at it.  We wasted so much time talking/daydreaming bout how we were gonna live it up when we became successful, that we failed to do the work and jump on the opportunities that we could have taken advantage of to actually become successful.

I go back 10+ years with all of my boys (in some cases 25 years back) and I love em all like brothers.  That being said, physically moving out of my hometown and away from my crew was probably the best thing that I ever did.  I was stuck in a rut and didnt even realize it.  I still see my crew atleast once or twice a month, and it really hurts me to see them still suck in the same rut; the same routine.  I'm not saying you gotta turn your back on your boys and just dead the relationships completely, but you young dudes need to realize when they are holding you back and distance yourself from those people and situations that prevent you from moving ahead in life.

Some of my tips

- think twice about going into business with friends or family.  if you decide to do it, think again for a third time.  ANY relationship, no matter how tight you think you are, is susceptible to being destroyed by money.

- be social in college.  those are some of the most fun years of your young life (if you go away for college)

- while no parent is perfect, understand that they typically have your best interest at heart.  dont assume that they dont know anything.  dont automatically disregard their advice.  buried under all that BS they spew are some gems.  in my own personal experience, me and my pops battled like crazy pretty much from when I was 7 yrs old til 27 yrs old.  I always thought the old man was full of it.  if he said stand, i sat.  if he said no i said yes.  you get the idea.  as i got older i started to really understand where he was coming from.  one of my biggest regret is ignoring all of that advice and wisdom, not because of what was said, but because of who said it.

- dont take your health for granted. 

- dont assume you always know whats best.  listen to others who try to drop knowlege and wisdom.  the older you get, the moer you will realize and understand that you really dont know S about S.

Condense your shoe collection down, because when you get older and have kids and grow out of it you are going to be pissed at all the money you spent on shoes.( I wish I would have done quaility over quanity)
At 24 and under take a lot of consideration when you select your first car, the wrong choice can haunt you for a long time.

grab hold of life and take advantage of every opening and oppurtunity to advance

cash rules everything around me (you)
- Live a healthy life style with what you eat, and exercise regularly.
- Start investing & saving your money now, and manage your money right! Even if you can only invest a small amount/month will add up when you get older.
- Don't have any fear in going after what you want, and be aggressive in getting it... Not doing so will only lead to regret.
- Treat your family and friends right, and don't sweat the small stuff. Life is very short and people you love can be taken from you suddenly.
Save money! Cannot stress this enough. Especially if you live at home, stack up. Don't waste alll your money on clothes, shoes, and drinking. Also be careful of who you spend your time with.. I can't believe how much time I wasted with lame people or people that just had such a negative influence on my life
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