24-year-old man DIES after refusing to TAP OUT to 14-year-old cousin (during WM party)

Reminded me of this incident...
A boy who says he was imitating body-slamming pro wrestlers when he killed a little girl at age 12 was sentenced to life in prison without parole Friday after a judge refused to reduce his first-degree murder conviction.


Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Reminded me of this incident...
A boy who says he was imitating body-slamming pro wrestlers when he killed a little girl at age 12 was sentenced to life in prison without parole Friday after a judge refused to reduce his first-degree murder conviction.


I thought the same thing. Not saying this 14 year old kid should go to jail, but I mean he did kill somebody with a wrestling move, and we saw what happened to the kid in Florida
son frail though. at what point does the will to live click in?? i'm sorry but if our playing goes beyond the threshold of me being able to continue living, i quit playing and i'm going to display some of this 'man strength' to get this lil +%@ kid off me. wth man. i' would headbutted the *++$ outta that kid. hit him in the nuts gouged his eyes, oh no, you're going to let me go fluggermugger. if everybody spazes and ask why u got serious on a kid, tell them you were, oh idk...dieing? they'll understand.
For those who train or have trained in mma or any other sport you use chokes can you tell when you're about to pass out or does it just happen?
Originally Posted by Freeze

son frail though. at what point does the will to live click in?? i'm sorry but if our playing goes beyond the threshold of me being able to continue living, i quit playing and i'm going to display some of this 'man strength' to get this lil +%@ kid off me. wth man. i' would headbutted the *++$ outta that kid. hit him in the nuts gouged his eyes, oh no, you're going to let me go fluggermugger. if everybody spazes and ask why u got serious on a kid, tell them you were, oh idk...dieing? they'll understand.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]All he had to do was tap out [/color]

We use to do the "Police choke" in HS...people would pass out in 10 seconds no matter how big they were...and we would just leave them there...sleeping...like a wee baby.
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Reminded me of this incident...
A boy who says he was imitating body-slamming pro wrestlers when he killed a little girl at age 12 was sentenced to life in prison without parole Friday after a judge refused to reduce his first-degree murder conviction.



Damn. Reading his wiki - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lionel_Tate  - it's pretty sad how he turned out.
Thats **#%%! up!

Thats what happened when you're pretty much raised in the penitentiary. Damn FLA..
Sometimes you gotta die for your respect. This was NOT one of those times.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

For those who train or have trained in mma or any other sport you use chokes can you tell when you're about to pass out or does it just happen?

ive yet to go out cold, but i have been caught in a blood/carotid artery choke before.

my experience (may be same/different than others, dont know) - i felt it real quick, as soon as it was locked in and started to get squeezed, probably within 3-5 seconds my head was buzzin and started to get tunnel vision kinda.  i tapped right away as i wasnt really lookin forward to getting choked out cold in front of everyone.

blood choke or a choke across the windpipe is much slower.  to be honest, the pain of having your throat/windpipe crushed hurts as much if not more than the actual lack of oxygen.  I've never got stuck (or refused to tap) from an air choke to the point where i felt like i was going to pass out.

chances are, if this kid didnt know what he was doing (and if the guy started to turn blue) it was an air choke not a blood choke.  if someone that knows what they are doing gets you in a solid sleeper hold/RNC as a blood choke you will drop like a sack of potatoes in about 5 seconds or less.  
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

For those who train or have trained in mma or any other sport you use chokes can you tell when you're about to pass out or does it just happen?

ive yet to go out cold, but i have been caught in a blood/carotid artery choke before.

my experience (may be same/different than others, dont know) - i felt it real quick, as soon as it was locked in and started to get squeezed, probably within 3-5 seconds my head was buzzin and started to get tunnel vision kinda.  i tapped right away as i wasnt really lookin forward to getting choked out cold in front of everyone.

blood choke or a choke across the windpipe is much slower.  to be honest, the pain of having your throat/windpipe crushed hurts as much if not more than the actual lack of oxygen.  I've never got stuck (or refused to tap) from an air choke to the point where i felt like i was going to pass out.

chances are, if this kid didnt know what he was doing (and if the guy started to turn blue) it was an air choke not a blood choke.  if someone that knows what they are doing gets you in a solid sleeper hold/RNC as a blood choke you will drop like a sack of potatoes in about 5 seconds or less.  
I've almost had my lights turned off by blood chokes. Basically yeah, you start getting tunnel vision, everything in your peripheral vision turns white and you start to fade, even when the choke is released it takes you a second to come back down to earth.

It's quite possible that the guy got caught in a blood choke since you don't feel any pain or restricted breathing that sends you into panic mode.
if you get it right (both arteries) you can go out QUICK. but to continue to hold it cause he didnt tap...they must have thought he was fakin or somethin.


Originally Posted by JD214

Sad someone lost their life like this.

The question is, What is someone doing watching Wrestlemania and this WWE crap in 2012? Especially a 24 year old.


Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

OP gave no dambs with that Benoit line. SMH.

Eff it!

I don't get it.

Benoit put his whole family (wife and young kids) in the "Cripple Crossface"  during a "roid rage" placed bible's by them, and off'd em. The hung himself with his bowflex.

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