25 Foods/Drinks you will never have again, What are some others?

I don't have fond memories of Crystal Pepsi. Didn't taste right to me.

Gatorade gum was
Supersize fries
. I remember beasting on MnM's crispy, butter finger bbs, sprite remix and pepsi blue.
Crispy M&M's definitely had it's phase.. French Toast Crunch were definitely crack, sad they don't make it anymore.

For the record, Four Loko is made differently now, as in they removed the energy ingredients because peoples' hearts were racing..

Super size menu was pretty awesome when I was younger.
Yeah, original Four Loko isn't around, but they pack so much sugar in them anyway that it's enough to give a boost.
i had no clue french toast crunch was discontinued. i would still look for it in the store and everything.

and damn, i miss crispy m&m's and sprite remix.

it blows my mind to see how long these items have been discontinued for. doesn't even seem like it. time flies, i guess.
Crispy m&ms and sprite remix were two definitive snacks of my child hood.It's sad to see time fly like that it was like yesterday I bought cans in middle school.6 years is a mighty long time.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

they still have waffle crisp in SF, this list is trash
Yeah I think some of this stuff only got scrapped in certain areas, oh well, I didn't make it 
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