25 Most Stressful Colleges/Universities VOL. You sure u wanna go here???

Originally Posted by DT43

my school is on that list..
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by bkdan1

Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by bkdan1

Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by acidicality

List is garbage. A lot of these private schools aren't as stressful as public schools.

u didnt read the criteria did you? acceptance rate and competitiveness account for almost half of what they used as a proxy for stress. 
Acceptance rate would induce stress for people applying for the school, once they're in stress factor should go wayyy down. Competitiveness I agree would be an appropriate variable but I don't agree with 35%. Overall list isn't completely garbage, but I question how some of these schools are more stressful than mine.
acceptance rate is a poor indicator of "stress". what i'm trying to say is that a lot of the top publics IMO are more "stressful" than private schools that look out for the student more and do more to keep them around. you screw around in a public you can get kicked out a lot faster than at a private, in most cases
I agree completely, I happen to go to a top public school in the nation enrolled in an engineering program which is why I question how some of these schools are more stressful than mine. I lost my scholarships after my second year and the suffering only increases. I'm tired of my school
If I remember correctly, we go to the same school.

I feel your pain, I've been in studying this whole weekend.....Saturday and Friday night too
We do, and it's just wonderful, our professors that is. I've got a test and a presentation tomorrow, a lab report due Wednesday, project and senior design report due Friday, two more presentations on dead week though I guess I'm lucky to scrape by with two finals. I didn't go to sleep until 7 AM this morning
. I'm in the library as we speak preparing for a test that I have no idea what the material's about
only at tech
I thought NYU would be higher, has couple of suicides every year.
Oh well, my grades aren't good enough for me to apply to any of these schools.
Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by kicksNbeats

Just looking at the cost of tuition for some of these schools already stress me out

Graduating from a state school with zero debt FTW.

Not being to get a job because you went to a state school FTL.

No offense to you as an individual, but this is surely one of the dumbest statements--if not the dumbest statement-- to be made in this thread thus far.

Depends what kind of job you want to get.

my dad went to memphis for engineering and now earns 200K+. if youre smart and hard working it doesnt matter what college you went to (except for law)
Originally Posted by Scarface2k1

people that graduate from these schools probably make a lot more than non stressful schools.
4 years of stress to potentially have a life long higher earnings potential? sign me up.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

List is trash.

Why are so many liberal arts schools like Harvard and Yale high on the list?
A lot of the schools are ridiculously hard to get into, thats about it. HYP....rigorous?
. If grade inflation to get their students into ibanking and MBB consulting = rigorous, then I guess.
There metric to judge rigor is flawed. IMHO it should be weighted more on what actually happens in the 4-5 years at school, not the process of getting in that school.

My school should be top 10, hell top 5.
Like 85% of my school is engineering majors, and we're a top 5engineering school. Hell we're number 1 in many engineeringdisciplines.
Theres no way a liberal arts school is more rigorous than  hardcore engineering school..............................


You can major in general studies and take like 50% of your classes pass/fail there
List has so much ivy league bias it's not even funny.
True story. All my ivy league friends don't study or stress over their course work like the state school kids... word to texas a&m and ut. every week there's a test, project, or presentation. everyday there's homework and 100s of pages of reading. our libraries never close or there is at least one open at all times.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

List is trash.

Why are so many liberal arts schools like Harvard and Yale high on the list?
A lot of the schools are ridiculously hard to get into, thats about it. HYP....rigorous?
. If grade inflation to get their students into ibanking and MBB consulting = rigorous, then I guess.
There metric to judge rigor is flawed. IMHO it should be weighted more on what actually happens in the 4-5 years at school, not the process of getting in that school.

My school should be top 10, hell top 5.
Like 85% of my school is engineering majors, and we're a top 5engineering school. Hell we're number 1 in many engineeringdisciplines.
Theres no way a liberal arts school is more rigorous than  hardcore engineering school..............................


You can major in general studies and take like 50% of your classes pass/fail there
List has so much ivy league bias it's not even funny.
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Doesn't Stanford do pass/fail or something?

What do you mean? 
I had heard a while ago (like 10 years ago) that Stanford undergrad doesn't have A/B/C/D/F grades. Instead they use some other system like Pass/Fail. So there's very little stress because you just need to pass. But I don't know if there's any truth to this.
brown is pass/fail...probably why theyre one of the few ivies not on the list

[h4]20. Brown University[/h4]Total cost: $49,128
Acceptance rate: 13.7%
Competitive academics: 16
Engineering rank: 38
Crime rank: 4

More than half of those schools are in business week's top 25.

If I'm going to one of those schools I'm expected to get bodied for 4 years.
All the people I know that went to these schools either:

1) Took on a BUNCH of debt and will be paying loans till they're 40

2) Went to an equally stressful college for GRAD school and took on even MORE debt...

3) Transferred back to a Big state public school later (wasting money their freshman year)

4) Jobless getting paid CRAP as poor GRAD students

Save your money.... Go to a Public State University....
Originally Posted by DaRaiderfan

All the people I know that went to these schools either:

1) Took on a BUNCH of debt and will be paying loans till they're 40

2) Went to an equally stressful college for GRAD school and took on even MORE debt...

3) Transferred back to a Big state public school later (wasting money their freshman year)

4) Jobless getting paid CRAP as poor GRAD students

Save your money.... Go to a Public State University....
Why do people lie so hard on the internet.

How many people do you know that have graduated Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Princeton, Yale, Cal Tech or even USC that can't get jobs who aren't mentally ******ed?
9. California Institute of Technology

Just change California to British Columbia.
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