25 Worst Neighborhoods in 2010 Vol. SMH My people, my people

Cleveland for the loss are we really on here twice.... Real talk tho I just moved to Cleveland and East Cleveland is NO joke......
Nevada has been the most dangerous state in America for the past 5 years.

I'm surprised that some of you are shocked at Vegas being listed a few times.
Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

That part of DC(Navy Yard) is not that bad, but with all those out of towners and bars, people get robbed there on the regular.

I would think Good Hope Rd., or even Congress Heights before L St.

Not seeing Bmore (Cherry Hill) on this list does not make it believable.

Cherry Hill aint as wild as it used to be...
from chicago
Originally Posted by RamZs8906

6. Philadelphia, Pa.
Neighborhood:N. 13th St.
Found within ZIP code:19123
Predicted annual violent crimes:488
Violent crime rate(per 1,000):117.19
My chances of becoming a victim here (in one year):1 in 9
More on This Neighborhood

I live 10 blocks east from this exact spot.  It's crazy what a difference a mile can make.
Originally Posted by RamZs8906

6. Philadelphia, Pa.
Neighborhood:N. 13th St.
Found within ZIP code:19123
Predicted annual violent crimes:488
Violent crime rate(per 1,000):117.19
My chances of becoming a victim here (in one year):1 in 9
More on This Neighborhood

I live 10 blocks east from this exact spot.  It's crazy what a difference a mile can make.
Originally Posted by Gmills23

Navy Yard? they prolly meant to put Congress Heights...
If any hood in DC was on there should have been Trinidad though.

Not surprised at Las Vegas, LA people, central cali, and norcal people moved over there and turned them out.
Philly aint up there? I'm surprised. I guess a few years ago they woulda been numbers 1-20
Originally Posted by Zeus23

east cleveland is about that life trust
^Where you been at my dude? I never see you on FaceBook anymore...

And yes, East Cleveland is absolutely HORRIBLE! At night time I speed through East Cleveland like crazy cause stopping at a light or going slow will probably get you licked...

Originally Posted by Zeus23

east cleveland is about that life trust
^Where you been at my dude? I never see you on FaceBook anymore...

And yes, East Cleveland is absolutely HORRIBLE! At night time I speed through East Cleveland like crazy cause stopping at a light or going slow will probably get you licked...

Originally Posted by Zeus23

east cleveland is about that life trust
^Where you been at my dude? I never see you on FaceBook anymore...

And yes, East Cleveland is absolutely HORRIBLE! At night time I speed through East Cleveland like crazy cause stopping at a light or going slow will probably get you licked...

Originally Posted by Gmills23

Navy Yard? they prolly meant to put Congress Heights...
If any hood in DC was on there should have been Trinidad though.

Trinidad would have been... BUT Its hard for everything in Trinidad to get reported...
And all of y'all are looking at the fact is says Navy Yard... Not realizing that area is 106.

Now any of y'all who are from in or around DC know what 106 is...
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Nevada has been the most dangerous state in America for the past 5 years.

I'm surprised that some of you are shocked at Vegas being listed a few times.
Originally Posted by Mogulson

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by RamZs8906

Originally Posted by Mogulson

SE DC is no joke.

Avoid it at all cost. Fools around here are even more insane in the summer. So happy its getting colder. The criminals here hate the cold

Quit Cisin it... It ain't THAT bad out here...
And by here I say that living on 22nd & Savannah Terrace


Plus L St is the Navy Yard, which is NOT that bad at all.. It was bad a few years ago, but they are building up due to Nationals Stadium being there now.  NOT ALL OF SE DC IS BAD....You have Eastern Market, Capitol Hill, and even Hilcrest (Old Money) that are nice moderately expensive areas.  Just b/c you hear of Anacostia, Congress Heights, Barry Farms, and anything off South Capital, MLK, and Southern Ave doesnt generalize the whole SE DC.  Just like NW DC is not all safe either
Trust me. Its bad. Its really bad. Area is so messed up. I'm so glad the yuppies are moving in. Those bad folks will be forced elsewhere
Its called PG County aka SE Maryland
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