2K from the government for COVID-19 relief? What you buying with it?

If they are giving money out to the people then they should do just that but saying only if you make less than $75k is wack! I understand not millionaires/billionaires but that upper income should get some cheese too.
Personally, I think they should just give it to the middle/lower class since they're the most affected. But we'll see how this plays out.
If they are giving money out to the people then they should do just that but saying only if you make less than $75k is wack! I understand not millionaires/billionaires but that upper income should get some cheese too.
Them new Jordans B.
Them throwback Lebrons B.
Them Yeezys B.
Them Off White collabs B.
Then imma flip all that ish B.
People will complain about everything.

People who make less than $75k is a very significant portion of the population. That will help a ton of people

Frankly, I'm surprised the cut off is even that high. I'm pleasantly surprised for those who will benefit
Damn. Ignoring the people who need it most. Cold blooded MF's.

"Americans with little-to-no tax liability (aka, poor folks) will only receive a minimum payment of $600, unless they earned less than $2,500, in which case they get zilch. Low-wage workers who don’t have a federal tax return for 2018 or 2019—adults generally aren’t required to file one they earn less than the standard deduction—also won’t qualify for the early rebate. (They could still get it next year if they file taxes for 2020, but by that time it will be a bit late.) Meanwhile, the payments phase down for workers who make more than $75,000, and drop to zero for those making $99,000 and above (double those numbers for joint filers)."
I don’t qualify, but if I did, and had all bills paid, I would be shorting the market with it. :lol:
ben baller iced out single tooth

nah on the real..more EOS COIN & CHEX(CHINTAI)
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This week, there have been multiple incidents of home invasions or people getting robbed in daylight while they're unloading their car.

House down the street was invaded yesterday.

Really considering looking into purchasing da musket to protect my family.
This $99k ceiling really only helps those in the Midwest and Swing states. People in SF/NY on average make way over $100k (at least in the office worker sense)
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