That boy Tooth went in
Originally Posted by jumpmankb

Damn tooth

I don't think any one doubts Proto when he says he had a rough childhood though. I'm no psychologist, but it's pretty clear he has some issues with self-image, acceptance, and peer-review. I wouldn't be surprised if this has something to do with a lack of attention and stability growing up. Posting pics of his whole body with his face included in WDYWT for what purpose? No one cares about/wants to see your face on a largely anonymous sneaker message board. He has nice kicks but that's all we want to see.

Also, I feel bad for his shift, 9, and 0 key (because he is always using parentheses to over elaborate or humble brag).


are you kidding me?

so because i'm not insecure or scared to show my face in WDYWT pix (i post whole outfits, not just shoes, that's why my whole body is there... cuz many of us like to post and see nice outfits cuz we're into clothes and fashion too, no frank ocean), i've got self image, acceptance, and peer-review issues?

c'mon son.

first of all, do you realize how many people do the same thing (except some of them go out to new locations all the time trying to come up with artsy shots and new poses, but i just stick my hand in my pocket the same way every time and snap a pic in my hallway b4 going out)? MANY people show their whole body and face in their WDYWT pix... the fact that that's an issue to you sounds like you're the one with the issues...
i don't have time to photoshop my face out, nor do i care to... sorry... why is it only an issue that i do it? why do you ignore the dozens more who do the same damn thing?
u guys arguing over some dumb things.

do u guys know why its called a gift payment?

Spoiler [+]
because its a gift
^Yo Proto, like I said...if you take about 5 seconds out of your life to crop out your face (shouldn't be a bother since you already take the time to take the pics, upload them on to a photo provider like Photobucket, and then copy the IMG link onto Niketalk anyway), you will definitely have less "haters" and "hate." I think many people think your duck face or w/e is annoying, same goes with the poses.

for all the "please post pics of your girl" comments I see in General, I thought you'd appreciate Proto.
and if you don't like dude, he stays in the same threads, just avoid them 
. it's not like he comes into General forcing his opinions on people.

I kind of agree that you deserve it, considering it was a Gift payment,

but I 100% agree that pestering a scammer isn't going to help and is O.D. immature.
Originally Posted by jumpmankb

Originally Posted by DJ Proto J

Originally Posted by jumpmankb

Damn tooth

I don't think any one doubts Proto when he says he had a rough childhood though. I'm no psychologist, but it's pretty clear he has some issues with self-image, acceptance, and peer-review. I wouldn't be surprised if this has something to do with a lack of attention and stability growing up. Posting pics of his whole body with his face included in WDYWT for what purpose? No one cares about/wants to see your face on a largely anonymous sneaker message board. He has nice kicks but that's all we want to see.

Also, I feel bad for his shift, 9, and 0 key (because he is always using parentheses to over elaborate or humble brag).


are you kidding me?

so because i'm not insecure or scared to show my face in WDYWT pix (i post whole outfits, not just shoes, that's why my whole body is there... cuz many of us like to post and see nice outfits cuz we're into clothes and fashion too, no frank ocean), i've got self image, acceptance, and peer-review issues?

c'mon son.

first of all, do you realize how many people do the same thing (except some of them go out to new locations all the time trying to come up with artsy shots and new poses, but i just stick my hand in my pocket the same way every time and snap a pic in my hallway b4 going out)? MANY people show their whole body and face in their WDYWT pix... the fact that that's an issue to you sounds like you're the one with the issues...
i don't have time to photoshop my face out, nor do i care to... sorry... why is it only an issue that i do it? why do you ignore the dozens more who do the same damn thing?
Son you just seem like you try too hard. I knew you'd have to completely elaborate on everything I said it's just comedic. So yeah, IT DOES seem like you may have self image, acceptance, and peer-review issues because why would you feel the need to justify yourself, your selection of clothes/shoes and why you buy them all the time when you supossedly don't care what we think? You are a joke to us man. Maybe not you as a person, but your persona on this website, it's just hilarious.

i elaborated because i simply cannot stand people like you who love and get off on thinking you got someone all figured out based off NOTHING but your own perception of them.

i hate it so much that i can't sit there and watch you try to say something so ignorant without speaking out against it. i love who i am, i love my "self image", and even if i didn't, what purpose do i have to care about "acceptance" around here for a bunch of people i will never meet in real life? i already know how you all do, you love to hate people in general, so i would never win that in my favor anyways...
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by KMante

Originally Posted by DJ Proto J


3 of us NT'ers got scammed by this long time NT'er for yeezy 2's... apart from his reputation around the forum, NOTHING ever pointed to him being a scammer with this deal. he made me wait to send payment until he had them in hand, stayed in touch with me several times a day after payment was sent, etc (not what scammers usually do at all). because of this and because of my interactions with him on the forum over the years, i did trust him and sent part of the payment as a "gift". we are working on getting the money back (using a chargeback thru my credit card company for the gift part of it), but in the meantime, everyone needs to know, and we need to fry this dude. i don't think he had any intention of scamming us until right up to the end. the last time he replied to me was last saturday (when he said he would either send the shoes or a refund on monday) and i haven't heard from him since. me and several established NT'ers have tried to contact him and talk some sense into him, but have not heard back.

he's from the UK and is living temporarily in Shanghai right now (as you will see from his recent Flickr uploads):


he's been on this forum since 2007. has an impressive collection (OG 1991 infrared 6's, tons of stuff, as you can see on his Flickr and PhotoBucket). has done many successful shoe deals with people on ebay and kicksxchange.

he started big threads like this, showing he's obviously a serious sneaker lover: http://niketalk.com/topic/169827

here's search results for his posts on NT:


this is what this release has done to people, y'all... made good guys turn bad for some short term cash.

here's all the info i have on him.

Real Name: Christian Daniel Caballero

PayPal Email: [email protected]

Alternate Email: [email protected]

Ebay: cdp71daniel ~ http://myworld.ebay.com/c...trksid=p3984.m1423.l2754

Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fbm-crispynoodles/

PhotoBucket: http://s247.photobucket.com/albums/gg132/ChrisDan28/

Blog: http://crispy-noodles.blo...arch?zx=44127947ec54be8b

Posts on KicksXchange: http://kickschange.usafre...m/member/ChrisDan/posts/

i'm definitely gonna bid on anything he puts on ebay and try to win it and not pay. i may even win and scam him (thru friends accounts in other parts of the world, so he doesn't know it's me).

he obviously loves his flickr and photography, he's part of many groups on there, i've seen NT'ers comment on his photos, and he's won lil' flickr awards for some of his work, so i'm gonna comment on all his photos about him being a scammer, and he will likely have to delete each comment, which will be a pain in the @$%... and if he blocks me i got multiple accounts on deck to keep doing it. some NT'ers have agreed to do this also.

the 3 of us he scammed have worked hard for our money, it's not mommy & daddy's money. i'm a grown man, and so is this dude, he's at least in his 30's... i'm into sneakers, and i loved these shoes since they first popped up, i was the first to bring up close, detailed pix to the entire world of these shoes ( http://www.nicekicks.com/...eezy-2-blackpink-images/ ), and have been a major contributor to the thread, and this forum in general.

all we wanted was the damn shoes, and i trusted a long time member of this forum to come thru for us. other long time members also said they would have trusted him, even sent as a "gift". and although we may get our money back, we need to make the entire sneaker community aware of these snakes in our grass, and cut their heads off. it's stuff like this that makes me wanna hang the whole thing up.

i woud have any of your backs against these scammer scum of the earth bottom feeders. they're the biggest problem we all have, by far.

any help would be much appreciated, NT.

PM him, email him, comment on his Flickr pictures, tell him to do the right thing and ship the shoes or refund us, and he will redeem himself and save his reputation.

i did trust him and sent part of the payment as a "gift"
i did trust him and sent part of the payment as a "gift"

i did trust him and sent part of the payment as a "gift"

i did trust him and sent part of the payment as a "gift"

i did trust him and sent part of the payment as a "gift"

Here we go again.

We just had a whole thread about using the gift option

   I just can't feel sorry for someone so stupid .

I get countless offers where people will offer me a discount if i pay via gift and i pass.

You cant trust anyone online.
Why is everyone so worried about what Proto does man? Let him be. People say he brags, most if not all of us have bragged out some point in out NT career. I mean its like some of you dudes enjoy hating on Proto, like it makes your day and lives better. Stop worrying aboutt he next man. And that dude Tooth just sounds salty. Attacking Ksteezy's photography. Like really thats the best you can do!
Originally Posted by DJ Proto J

why would anyone want to help me? i dunno, but they have. it was others who kept saying stuff like "if anyone deserves these shoes, it's proto"... i figured it was mostly being said because i did supply the first up close, detailed shots of the shoes (many of them were not blurry, that is the point). the only reason i referenced that and made any statement like that is to show i wasn't some thread leach, but had in fact contributed greatly to the thread and this forum.


Who do you think you are? Ben Baller, Henz0?
and we've PMed about some sneaker related questions and you do seem like a nice enough dude. I don't hate you at all, but you do seem like a total douche.

What the hell :lol:....you find out he's a nice dude...end up thinkin he's a douche?

and a lot of people feel the same way too, what's wrong with yall !
i did trust him and sent part of the payment as a "gift"

i did trust him and sent part of the payment as a "gift"

i did trust him and sent part of the payment as a "gift"

i did trust him and sent part of the payment as a "gift"

i did trust him and sent part of the payment as a "gift"

Here we go again.

We just had a whole thread about using the gift option
Why is everyone so worried about what Proto does man? Let him be. People say he brags, most if not all of us have bragged out some point in out NT career. I mean its like some of you dudes enjoy hating on Proto, like it makes your day and lives better. Stop worrying aboutt he next man. And that dude Tooth just sounds salty. Attacking Ksteezy's photography. Like really thats the best you can do!

Couldn't have said it better, this entire site is based off of us coming on here showing some of the kicks and clothes we picked up, and sharing other ideas and thoughts on various subjects and yall salty because dude post his face or what he got. Instead of hating on the next man go get yours, some of yall really need to get a grip, and reevaluate your self. Point blank this is why I say every male is not a man and some of yall constantly prove that fact
the comedy in this thread :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

" im a thug!! no im a thug!!! no i grew up hard!!! no me!!! " :rofl:
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real life...
damn the hate for proto haha :lol:
I think there wouldn't be hate for him if he just posted pics of his shoes in wdywt and nothing else. There's a lot of extra stuff in that thread that make people target him.
After skimming this thread I learned a ittle about NTers, join date doesn't determine stupidity lmao, alot of d**k riders on Hyper, guess I missed what he has done. Seems like a coo guy... I'm newer but by the looks of it he has refunded the scammy(is that a word lol) a few times. And a few haters on Proto, wonder why? Well........

To the victims, lesson learned and I hope you get your refund. I've never or never will send as a gift, just off others mistakes. Let karma take over, because your petty lurking/trolling on him lowers you to his level.... Act your age not your shoe size as my Mom would say

:lol: Love how this gif pops up in every "i've been scammed" post. Op, hope y'all get your money back.
Shame how this stuff is still going down and being enabled in 2012. NTers can be smarter and do better.

If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Don't let greed and your quest for the next "steal" blind you and make you naive.
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