3 things you hate about your job....name them

1. I just hate being there. Thats pretty much it. I just hate being at my job and I dread the days I have to work.

PT @ Levis
Im an auditor.

1. Have to take work home.
2. Have to compete with over achievers who dont mind number one.
3. Public Accounting is a loud of crap. The clients are our bosses when it comes down to it. How the hell are we suppose to audit and satify the customers aswell. By bending rules thats how.
im customer service for a pizza company

1. the drama
2. stupid customers who are just trying to get free !@#$
3. Saturday shift: 5 PM - 2AM
1. The Pay
2. Infelixble hours
3. Still at the bottom of the totem pole even after I got my degree.
1. I'm underpaid
2. It's over 30 miles away
3. The new manager hasn't turned a wrench in his life but tells us what to do.
im blessed...


i hate there is no ot
they dont pay my student loans

thats it really...other than that as with any job we have our ups and downs
My hour commute each way in DC traffic.

Dealing with a lot of people who believe they are the most important person in the worl, when really, they aren't even middle of the totem pole.

Watching the news over and over and over and over and over and over again all day. I look forward to the commercials.
I am an Electrical Designer/Engineering 
1. I don't work with any peers and/or attractive women

2. Can get very stressful

3. The drive. (I live far from work)
I work alone for most of the day.
There's not much for me to do because half of the building is empty.
It gets lonely and makes the day drag.

1. its seasonal job
2. i dont get hours and days
3. i think the other seasonal girls are getting more hours and days then me
4. they dont train me and expect me to know how to handle with customers

i did 4 lol
1. No upward mobility.
2. Office politics/politricks
3a. Big company = you're only a number
3b. Long commute (2hrs to and fro)

Plus side I'm quitting December 30. I'm currently interning for the IT dept in my towns city hall. Something I should've gotten into years ago. It's unpaid though.
I work for a carpet company

I hate my boss
I hate my co-worker.....he's such a pig and doesn't do anything here and I have to pick up all the work
I really hate my boss
Airtran Ramp Agent (soon to be Southwest, maybe)
1. Everything is based on seniority. You have old farts that have been with the company for years, barely able to walk or lift a bag, getting the best schedules and all the OT.
2. We have to work in sometimes dangerous weather conditions.
3. Were suppose to be integrating with Southwest, it's looking more like a takeover, might be outta of a job if it is.

Two more, a lot of the supervisors abuse their power and we rarely have the manpower needed to work a flight.
Originally Posted by l337six

Im an auditor.

1. Have to take work home.
2. Have to compete with over achievers who dont mind number one.
3. Public Accounting is a loud of crap. The clients are our bosses when it comes down to it. How the hell are we suppose to audit and satify the customers aswell. By bending rules thats how.

at the first one
Work in a hospital.
I am a temp- no benefits, no holidays, no vacation time, no overtime.
Certain people are either lazy, or care more about paperwork and covering their rear more than patient care.
My job hits me in waves. Ill have 20 minutes where I have nothing to do, than all of a sudden 4 doctors and/or patients need my imidiate(sp) attention at the same time for the next half hour each.
1. Politics of work
2. Management not going through with what they promise
3. I feel like I'm one of only a handful of people of color in the office, and from a smaller group that is from an urban area
Boys and girls clubI hate kidsMy boss is an idiotMy female co-workers not even down to hop up on that **** and do a full split (ugh)
work at the casino
1. work crack head hours
2, no such thing as holidays
3. a little to flexable
1) the amount of foreigners who barely speak a word of english
2) the amount of foreigners who barely speak a word of english
3) the amount of foreigners who barely speak a word of english
Originally Posted by bjamez20

1) the amount of foreigners who barely speak a word of english
2) the amount of foreigners who barely speak a word of english
3) the amount of foreigners who barely speak a word of english

This. I'm usually really respectful and do the best I can to get them what they need but it makes me SO livid when they scream at me in cantonese and I'm like "I'm sorry sir, I don't understand you, do you want ___?" And they scream at me for not understanding. I would never go into a country that speaks a language I don't know and scream at them for not understanding English. Obviously they don't understand English if they aren't an English speaking country. Good lord. I don't care if you don't speak English just don't scream at me for not speaking your language. 
-costumers who dont speak english that roll their eyes at you when you cant understand each other. They buy the most too smh..
-customers that make you do alot of work and still buy nothing
-the female managers that are flat out !$%$##@

Macys womens shoes. The bad ones shopping with their moms are appreciated

You women are messy as hell!
i aint one to complain, bt the time sucks.
most the time they want me to come in at 6am. then work 8hr shift on top.
Im thankful its 8hr shifts since i dnt work often but 6 am be killin me. especially when I need a ride sumtimes.
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