
$#+! sounds dumb and cliche when I say this but...that's life man. Have to learn how to take the L's in stride, cause there will be plenty of them.
Obviously it is not even worth being with her. Sure feelings and emotions grow richer and deeper, but that's just life too.

Don't view her as "your girl". Everyone is their own, she's her, man. And if she was "the one" or even worth sticking it out with, an instance like this wouldn't happen.

$#+! happens, learn from it and use the knowledge for round 2, or 3, 4, 5, whatever round you are in, there will be a lot.
if your girl messes with other dudes and ultimately decides she wants you back, do you honestly think she'll risk losing you by telling you the truth about the other dudes she's been with?
play it cool by telling her you've been fapping to her and that you think about her everyday.
lol smh shoulda known the pics were comin....unfortunately i cant do that so if it deprives me from some advice then so be it..sorry u fiends 
And I thought it was cuffing season..

But real talk, from experience you really should dead her. I had the same thought with my ex. We broke up because of long distance and wanting to see what was out there. For the most part I was over her and let it go but there was that small lingering possibility that I might want to get back with her later down the road..

until I found out she became a typical jump off. (her two room mates are rippers) My boy walked in on her while she was getting banged out by some dude. I wont front, that #%#* hurt for a good day or two after I heard that but there really wasnt anything to do but shake it off. It was really whatever tho.

Bro my honest opinion is cut loose before you get hurt. School, money, and yourself should be priority over women anyway. I mean I could be wrong, I dont know the situation but thats my 2 cents. Im just saying that shes single and might explore her surroundings now. Besides.. theres hella females out there. Hope things work out for u tho.
I mean if this is the girl you can see yourself with forever. Then give her space and whenever your ready
call her, and say what you have to say to get back in the relationship. Just prepare yourself for the rejection
If its done, its done. Just use the L as a learning experience. Good luck
If he was gonna be with her forever, this @@!+ wouldn't happen there wouldn't be any doubt.
People get so fearful at the end of relationships. !+$@ it.
Transform it into positivity.
Originally Posted by melofan15

if your girl messes with other dudes and ultimately decides she wants you back, do you honestly think she'll risk losing you by telling you the truth about the other dudes she's been with?

yes. thats how she is. it was my 21st last week and some chick gave me a bday kiss and snuck some tongue in there. i couldnt last more than a few hours w.o tellin my gf, felt so damn guilty that it was ruinin my nite. i'd like to think she would tell me the truth if i asked.
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

#*** sounds dumb and cliche when I say this but...that's life man. Have to learn how to take the L's in stride, cause there will be plenty of them.
Obviously it is not even worth being with her. Sure feelings and emotions grow richer and deeper, but that's just life too.

Don't view her as "your girl". Everyone is their own, she's her, man. And if she was "the one" or even worth sticking it out with, an instance like this wouldn't happen.

#*** happens, learn from it and use the knowlesdge for round 2, or 3, 4, 5, whatever round you are in, there will be a lot.

Originally Posted by ajcollector9290

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

She got a stiff one inside her right now and you crying on a message board.
2010 join date, 4300 posts 
u stay patrollin these boards my g 
4300 posts in 19 months while "your girl" is getting her face painted 
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Originally Posted by ajcollector9290

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

She got a stiff one inside her right now and you crying on a message board.
2010 join date, 4300 posts 
u stay patrollin these boards my g 
4300 posts in 19 months while "your girl" is getting her face painted 
lol homie took that 1 close to heart....niketalk ain't ever gon' dump me my g, ain't i right son? 
she didn't seem like much of a bad chick from what your story is saying but i can tell you're sugar coating it, eventually you're gonna hate the broad and realize everything you hate about her. thats exactly how i was at first, believing it was my fault and such on why me and my chick didn't last; sugar coating our breakup saying "oh she aint a bad chick and we had our share of problems like any other couple". now i see clearly it was her fault. its gonna be tough the first couple weeks but once you get past that you're good to go. F her. took me exactly 3 weeks to finally get over my chick of 1 year and 8 months.
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