
my gf and I of 4 years broke up a few months ago. we didn't talk for about a week, and it was very tough. we now text back and forth, nothing crazy but we still keep in touch. If you want to get back with her, I think it's best to keep the lines of communication open, but don't act desperate.
Originally Posted by ajcollector9290

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

She got a stiff one inside her right now and you crying on a message board.
2010 join date, 4300 posts 
u stay patrollin these boards my g 
got em 
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Women like to be weaned off of men they have/had feelings for gradually...That whole "lets just be friends" nonsense after the break up is for them to still have your attention while they search for someone else.

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Women like to be weaned off of men they have/had feelings for gradually...That whole "lets just be friends" nonsense after the break up is for them to still have your attention while they search for someone else.
on point

*edit already quoted right above me. the reddit post is good advice too, hit the glass and get boards
Op I'm in the same boat. Just ended things with the gf for good. I cheated on her and she did the same. We always argued it wasn't healthy to a certain degree. She is so tied down on being a good girl for her parents that she can't leave the house to go out with me. She wasn't my type but you can't help who you fall for. We went out for 3 years and I feel like I was never myself around her, plus she hates my friends. I don't know where to go from her I'll probably change my number,hit the gym, drink, smoke, and chill with friends and family. Sorry for the rant NT. I'll hit up the cute girl pic thread for now.
Originally Posted by ajcollector9290

What's good y'all. So long story short, my girlfriend of one year and I just officially broke up tonight. We are long distance, both in senior year of college. See each other between 2 and 3 weekends a month. The first 8 months were amazing but then it started getting awkward because she just didn't have that same happiness about her and excited feeling that she always gave off. Naturally, I assumed the honeymoon phase was over or she was possibly losing interest. So whatever, we dealt with her down attitude for a while. Then many arguments started happening and it got to be too much.
We decided last week that we should take a "break" and not talk to each other for a week in order to try and sort things out. We ended up texting and arguing over that time. Tonight she officially ended it though, claimed she "loved me more than anything" blah blah but said "it's just best we split for now bc of the fighting." I took it like a man and just told her okay thats fine, and to please not contact me bc i don't have interest in small chat and being friends. 

She was also really offended how I told her that I completely rule out getting back together in the future (because I am STRONGLY against couples that constantly break up and get back together). So i basically told her it was now or never.

To wrap it all up, I sort of lied to her, bc I definitely will get back with her in the future IF she hasn't gotten with any other guys. I'm too stubborn and already view her as "my girl" after this whole year of dating, so I wouldn't be able to look at her the same even if she simply kisses another dude.

Basically just asking some NT'ers for some tips/pointers on how to play it cool from here if I wana try and get her back. Don't wana talk about it with friends bc then I come off soft as hell and I hate when dudes get like that. So what should I do from here? Play it cool and not talk to her for a few weeks? Again, I refuse to even give her the light of day if she calls me and tells me she wants to get back but she has already hooked up w a dude. 

I'm sure I'll get some wiseass comments and what not, so its all good fellas, I'd do the same !@#$ 

Good looks fellas 

I swear I'm the expert on this.

You only been together 1 year.  Most couples dont begin to truly know each other until one year or so. Thats where the arguments and other drama come in because you guys are figuring out each other and know knowing your mates habits whether you like them or not.

So basically your just figuring each other out and both of you are going to have to adjust for each other if you want to stay together.

You never stated what your arguing about


if you want her back your going to have to keep all lines communication open text calls etc, BUT and I strongly state, keep it limitied such as calls 5 mins and no lovie dovie stuff, keep text short and to the point.

Also you must always end the calls ALWAYS. Tell her well it was nice talking to you but I have so and so to do or got to go here or workout etc.

You want to make your self seem busy, this will create attraction and make her fall head over heels for you. Girls like to chase Men.

Also when you talk to her you want to make it seem like you change and you over the past but do it by your actions not talk. Women love actions.

But you will have her back in no time if you do this. And dont turn her off. Dont call late night dont text late night. Keep everything short and simple.

Trust me in  no time she will start throwing hints at you about getting back together. She might say you know I always wondered why did we agrued so much bla bla... Thats a hint to sort out the relationship but like I said keep it short and simple and end the call. Wait until she really throw out more hints which she will..

Its simple dude but dont sweat her, dont argue.

But first figure out why you all were arguing even though all couples argue, thats apart of a relationship
Originally Posted by Carver

Originally Posted by jermz101

You are acting OD macho with her son...just relax
Yeah.... chill out a bit. I can now see why y'all be arguing 

Telling her it's now or never

all that you mess w/someone else its over for good is nonsense...
no one should be waiting on anyone...live you life and if you come together again than thats what it is...
Originally Posted by prymone

yo when will yall begin to understand this?

we cant give advice with out pics

i mean we dunno what said girl looks like so we cant tell u whats best to do frm here

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