
Originally Posted by Mcflyy

If you get on the news shout out NT.

 are you serious....
Originally Posted by Zyzz

a 17 year old crying about a pen being thrown?

if it was a 5 year old then id understand but your pretty much an adult. unless it poked her in the eye, then this isnt a big deal at all.
serves your brat %%% lil sister right. not that I condone violence towards minors, in other nations she would've gotten smacked/lashed etc. 
kids nowadays need to be disciplined by their PARENTS, your mother should be FURIOUS at her daughter not at the teacher for being frustrated with that pimply faced brat. 
The teacher should throw a chair at your bratty sister next time.

Your mother is a horrible person too. Tryin to get a teacher fired because she's a crappy parent who never taught her house training and how to act in public
Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

if your sister had shut her stupid yap, y'all wouldn't be in this. i wish it were a Buick instead of a pen.

kids these days.

Do you blame her for complaining when her mom will come to her defense? I'm so glad when parents actually stick up for my wife instead of their kids. It shows that you should respect authority rather than teaching them to undermine it and then wondering why they're not getting ahead in life.
SneakerHeathen wrote
serves your brat %%% lil sister right. not that I condone violence towards minors, in other nations she would've gotten smacked/lashed etc. 
kids nowadays need to be disciplined by their PARENTS, your mother should be FURIOUS at her daughter not at the teacher for being frustrated with that pimply faced brat. 

Word. Instead they in the kitchen schemin on how they can get richer. 

Parents these days... want teachers to take care of their kids (if you want to call a 11th-grader "child") all day but don't want them to be disciplined.
Tell your sister to shut up while she in class and she won't get sonned.

teachers get paid crap money, and then they have to deal with snot nosed kids with no respect all day.  You can understand her frustration, i hope. 
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Baffles me why people bring this stuff to NT.

 This.  What exactly was NT supposed to do?  Tell your sister to shut up next time. You said you 'don't want it swept under the rug,' so what exactly do you hope to have happen? 
My shop teacher threw a wrench at this kids nuts for being stupid around power tools.

Your sister deserved it.
People on both sides need to calm down. Teacher maybe should not have thrown the pen, but the mother should DEFINITELY not be as angry at the teacher as she is. Doesn't mean she's a terrible mother that should be slapped and blah blah blah, but she's definitely going about this wrong.
Changing the thread title to a dot won't make this thread did

but your sister probably deserved it and you guys shouldn't coddle a young adult. you guys should thank the teacher for disciplining this "child"
your mother is livid over this?
this country is falling apart.  most children have no responsibilities or repercussions for acting up.

assuming the teacher isn't some type of nutcase who flipped his lid for no reason, your mother should be apologizing for the behavior of her daughter.
Students nowadays push teachers buttons to the limit. I bet your sister is one of those "YOU CANT TOUCH ME, IF YOU DO, I WILL TELL MY PARENTS AND WE'll SUE" types of students huh?

Bad +@* kids like those should definitely be punished. Tell your sister to learn to respect her elders.
teachers don't get paid enough to deal with this bs

sounds like your sister isnt gonna amount to anything in life.
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