3rd Annual SB Secret Santa/Exchange/GIF 2016 Thread (SOON TO BE 4TH ANNUAL)

If everyone is still down please BE SURE to send me your info. We only have 8 still, I know I've slacked on this but it was so up in the air it was tough to really go full bore on it without knowing whether or not we'd be doing it. Thanks.
I’m in fasho.

It doesn’t need to have an even number of each size, since you can round robin them. ie I get Kamil, Kamil gets Mark, Mark gets me.
That only works if the numbers work out. If I have a size 11.5/12, a 12/12.5, and a 12.5/13, then the guy with the 11.5/12 won't be getting a gift if I do it like that. I always did round robin in past years unless I ABSOLUTELY had to pair people up if there were only 2 size 8's, for example. That being said, I'll try to make this work but the more the merrier and the easier my job is. If y'all think you can make it work in a month, I'm going into spreadsheets tonight!
I’m still in but I feel like we need to know for sure that we are doing it and who our person is by Tuesday at the latest. That gives time to shop around and take advantage of any potential Black Friday sales.

If not then I’m cool postponing a year.
Yeah probably the sooner the better, I'd say if we can't have it organized in time to shop Thanksgiving/Black Friday sales we probably need to kibosh for this year.
Still in! Old account was deleted but it's still me don't let the join date or post count throw you off.
I’ll just leave this here...
stuff has come up and I'm out... plus I don't really think it's enough time to do it properly
Not even sure if I was in but now I for sure have to bow out
Should have mine out probably in the next two weeks. Need to do inventory unless the eBay gods show me something cool

Should be a decent year
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