
Sep 1, 2006
So tommorw is the big day. Who else is rolling up
Useless excuse to get high. If you want to blaze, just do it. You shouldn't need a "day".
stuff is dumb...i toked it up today and yesterday....@$% so what is the weed gonna get magically better on 4/20? it's overrated
Originally Posted by ClevelandsPrince23

stuff is dumb...i toked it up today and yesterday....%%% so what is the weed gonna get magically better on 4/20? it's overrated

Pretty much.
I have a 10 page paper due wednesday and I haven't started. And tomorrow is 4/20 and I'm in Cali. I'm thinking I'll just spend the first halfof the day blazed out of my mind and the rest of the time
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

well...at least you won't be on NT tomorrow...or the next two weeks...
I don't care about it. Hope school isn't too empty though
kids are seriously getting dumber and dumber

been 10 yrs since I was a HS junior and after letting my stepbro have his friends over last week, I feel like an old man with what they get into
I'm on TASC (probation of sorts)...

@(#*# ya'll....Hope ya'll choke and get straight dirt...
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