I thought Cole's call of the final minutes of the main event were about as good as it could get
I said this last night. He sounded like he was watching some JR tapes.

TLC:Hardys, Dudleys, E&C
Angle vs Benoit
Shane v Vince

Edge spear off the ladder, Shane coast to coast, "My Way" by Limp Bizkit promos, JR, the Astrodome crowd, Austin turning was about as shocking as Taker losing last night at the time. It had everything.
And folks were saying WM 30 was the best ever. As I said, prisoners of the moment

Why is that :pimp:? He's just gonna give a longer speech about himself than he did at the Hall of Fame :smh:.
He is going to announce a reunion with Sting

Warrior is trash.

Load him up on a rocket and shoot him to the sun already.
Damn to the sun though? LOL

One too many zeros there. Cause that would be a whole lot of dam ppl
That man said 700,000. And he used the comma. Hahahah

whats with this sting love fest?
Case is the only one man. But nah, if they keep the same entrance, it would be cool as hell. I don't REALLY care though

Merriman there again *sigh*
I thought he did aight tonight. I didn't see the pre game show last night

Are we still using this thread tonight, or is 4w on Mexico time?
LOL @ Mexico time

when are gonna get it down to only 1 physical belt for the champ?
WWE is waiting for someone to foot the belt of melting them together. Read it somewhere a few weeks ago.

JBL needs to shut up about that being an upset. Bryan has only been built up very well for like two years now
I don't understand JBL. He is on the USO's nuts but he is a heel whenever Daniel Bryan is around. Why? Is he a heel commentator?

of course shovel H would give himself a title match
He is a great heel man. Yall have to remember. If there was no HHH being a penis, there wouldn't be such a lovefest for Daniel Bryan.

Trips is such a good heel man. Dude sells everything. I'm surprised he hasn't popped a blood vessel yet lol
Dude is great man. Seriously, him and Steph are GREAT heels.

why would CM Punk cost Bryan the belt?

I swear Vince Russo's kids frequent this thread
LOL @ Russo reference. But That would be cool to see.
I wonder if Cena has to wash the same shorts every night to be able to wear them again the next night or if he has multiple pairs?
It's funny how people get booed by association when they tag with Cena. Always cracked me up how they set Ryder up for failure once he was around good old marky mark.
I bet Sheamus and Luke Harper could have a very good hard-hitting match. But I wouldn't care because Sheamus is still jolly Sheamus. And look at Big E trying to win the crowd back after Cena and Sheamus suck the cheers into the abyss :lol:
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