Whoever it was that recommended the LAW podcast, THANK YOU. I've been going through the ones with John Bullock and Wai Ting. They have really good shows.
Penciled in as of right now is HHH VS Reings & Lesnar VS Cesaro/The Rock at Summer Slam
I think summerslam should be Cena vs Bryan rematch

Bryan vs Cena - WWE Title

Rock vs Brock

HHH vs Reigns

Bray Wyatt vs Sting? :D
please leave cena away from the title scene for a while please.he should go film a movie.anyway.they need to do something with kofi hes over with the crowd they should give himsome sort of kool guy kofi gimmick new theme song by like wiz kalifah or some type of rapper that little kids and woman like and let him be some type of play boy cool guy baller dude. hire rappers and actors to hang out with him and film segments.get him some street cred or something.idk just thinking lol,any thoughts.?
Bray wyatt vs sting would be amazing. Since it looks like takers done I wouldn't mind seeing that long as sting doesn't talk tho

Card looks pretty good and all seem possible to happen that way
I agree cena should stay away from the title picture but if he loses to bryan clean again that can do wonders for how he is booked for then on
Evolution vs Shield will probably happen at Extreme rules

Only reason why I'm putting Cena vs Bryan is because they both need a match. The rematch could be big especially if Bryan goes over again.

This will hopefully all lead to a Bryan vs Brock match for the WWE title
Kane taker and sting vs Wyatt's would be cooler actually since you would have fewer spots solo for the older guys. Still a dream feel to it but better on their health
Punk vs Batista would be cool if it were to happen

Punk comes back for his spot. The spot that Batista took from him and build from that.

I have zero interest in seeing Batista vs Brock. That means one of them would have go be a babyface.
hoping they get orton and batistas rematches out the way quick i kind of want them to be a new tag team and win the titles and be a good heel tag team for a little while switch it up a bit of course idk how long that will last cuz batista gotta promote but i like them being a tag team in the division spice it back up along with the usos and ambrose and rollins and whoever they throw in there,also give cesaro the us title for the mean time 
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