4 Hofstra basketball players charged with burglary, robbed coach's house also

Myth that college athletes hurt for $. These guys are just clowns. Has nothing to do with the NCAA.
i go to hofstra and i heard that people got robbed like crazy during hurricane sandy. SMH
, school is overpriced though and there are a lot of rich snobby kids that go there who don't seem to really care about the education
I'm at ncc u telling me lol 
:smh: at some of these responses. It's the NCAA's fault? Really? Only on NT. No rent. No tuition. Free food. Free books. Bunch of free gear. Financial Aid on top of that. Yeah these dudes must really be struggling.
View media item 152765
The best ballers/hoopers are the ones from the street/hood. Those are the best, usually from the inner city urban areas. They are usually poor/poverty stricken.

There is a lot of dudes that threw away their NBA careers/College careers....to sling crack and bust guns in the hood and smoke all day...

They want instant gratification. Right now. Not worrying about 4 - 5 years down the line.

They should start paying College players like the pros......who in their right mind wants to play for free?

Chris Webber
Cam Newton
Reggie Bush
Terrell Pryor 

didn't want to play for free...this is no such thing as free...

A lot of these Collegiate Athletes don't even have money for the movies or to take their girlfriends out...they coach gotta give em money...

That's why they go High School straight to the league.

UNLV, Miami, Michigan = They were so dominant because they had street hood dudes.

There is so much wrong with this statement i don't even know where to begin.

If you think all the best pro basketball players come from the hood/poor i've got oceanfront property in kansas to sell to you

These dudes played at Hofstra, they weren't making their school ****

The argument college athletes should get paid is invalid for 95% of people

The Cody Zeller's, Manti Teo's, Nerlens Noel's of the world, those guys have earning power and are bringing more to schools than they are receiving in the form of a scholarship. Hofstra's starting two guard isn't
You think these College Athletes care about that? Most of them don't even know how to speak proper english. Most of them don't even know how to spell their name.

They are not there for education. They rarely attend classes, and get A's. The coach approaches their professors before the semester and lets them know whats going on.

They even get personal tutors, because their minds are so remedial. They need help to pass open book exams.

You can't be serious. Can't even spell their names? :smh: C'mon bro.
Reading the headline, I knew one of the goons had to be from Brooklyn :lol: :smh:
I'm sorry but these guys are getting a free education

You think these College Athletes care about that? Most of them don't even know how to speak proper english. Most of them don't even know how to spell their name.

They are not there for education. They rarely attend classes, and get A's. The coach approaches their professors before the semester and lets them know whats going on.

They even get personal tutors, because their minds are so remedial. They need help to pass open book exams.

I'll give you the housing, food. But that's basic. That's a necessity.

I stand by statement. Start paying Collegiate athletes.

Look at Marcus Lattimore.

Sacrificing yourself for a college for free doesn't mean anything in the long run.

Nobody wants to play for free. Free doesn't exist.

That's why I don't blame the Elton Brands, Rudy Gays, Derrick Roses.

They have to get that bread. You know how many family members rely on them. Off 1 NBA player about 20-30 people eat off him. He has to secure his family.

I don't know where you coming from, but your post is very disturbing. While in some caes, it's true, it still comes off with a racist overtone to me. If one player that makes the L, he is responsible for 20-30 people? You realize that person will be broke in the end most likely right? How smart do you sound saying something like that? What are you alluding to? Not all players come from poverty my man. They might not be rich, but they don't have to be responsible for that many people. Some are there for education, while some are dummies. Don't paint a broad stroke like that, and by you sayinf "College Athletes", it sounds like you are referring to basketball and football players mostly :smh:
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Some of y'all are just talking just to talk...

I played college ball and some of y'all are extremely confused ...

Also, raising the stipend?


I played on 3 levels... ask me and I'll tell you the REAL deal.
Some of y'all are just talking just to talk...
I played college ball and some of y'all are extremely confused ...
Also, raising the stipend?

I played on 3 levels... ask me and I'll tell you the REAL deal.
Do the best players come from the "hood" ?
Do the best players come from the "hood" ?
:lol:... NO...

in most cases, cats on the hoop squad are regular joes that just happened to be a little taller and faster, or had more handle than everyone else and they kept hooping.

yall look at dudes and see the tats, the size, and the attitude...

truth be told... take 10 cats from the football team and they'd beat the dog piss outta the hoop squad.

most of those cats that portray that tough guy nonsense are soft as tissue, famb... real life...

they scare people cuz they're so tall and big...

people are so enamoured (sp?) with POTENTIAL of the hood dudes... people think "oh, if he gets his attitude in line, he coulda went to the league"... cats that are from the hood are real emotional. they can have super up games and super down games. i've seen dudes absolutely DESTROY hood dudes w/ all the bounce, handle, and speed in the world.

the BEST players that i've came across are guys that just dont care what their teammates think about them. whether it be the hood dude or Jimmy Sanders... and the thing is, black players get FRUSTRATED when white boys torch them, leading them to play with more emotion, leading them to making more mistakes...

Also... i dont think yall know how HARD IT IS to go to the NBA... like seriously...

"hood dudes" yall think are hood are just regular guys that put on the perception of hood (gang of tats, disrespectful demeanor) but they're not...
The best ballers/hoopers are the ones from the street/hood. Those are the best, usually from the inner city urban areas. They are usually poor/poverty stricken.

There is a lot of dudes that threw away their NBA careers/College careers....to sling crack and bust guns in the hood and smoke all day...

They want instant gratification. Right now. Not worrying about 4 - 5 years down the line.

They should start paying College players like the pros......who in their right mind wants to play for free?

Chris Webber
Cam Newton
Reggie Bush
Terrell Pryor 

didn't want to play for free...this is no such thing as free...

A lot of these Collegiate Athletes don't even have money for the movies or to take their girlfriends out...they coach gotta give em money...

That's why they go High School straight to the league.

UNLV, Miami, Michigan = They were so dominant because they had street hood dudes.

first of all, unlv, miami and michigan are not the teams you should be calling "dominant". how about kentucky, duke (hood dudes), north carolina (more hood dudes) and kansas?

you obviously know nothing about basketball. i doubt any of the teams you mentioned are even in the top 50 for basketball wins all time. and you call them DOMINANT?!?

second, most real "hood dudes" aren't the best athletes. being from a poor area doesn't make you a "hood dude".

in closing, your post reeks of low intelligence and ignorance.
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