5'10" 220lb Teacher beat up by 4'2" 50lb six year old student

If he's like that at school toucan just imagine what little discipline he gets at home, kids only respect fear!...if they fear you, they'll respect you and is your job as a parent to enforce that!...not the teachers...I blame the parents....glad that teacher is sueing.
[Drake]I hope that I never meet him, that ***** look craaaaazy[/Drake]
some of the stuff people sue for really troubles me

Its a lose-lose for him.

He slaps fire out of the kid, he'll not only get sued, he'll do prison time and lose his license to teach. The story sounds preposterous because he played college ball, but a child on a tirade could hurt someone. The kid is clearly a terror as this wasn't his first incident, but like this one his parents just looked away. That type of behavior from parents which enables the kid to do worse because he knows there won't be any consequences.
Its a lose-lose for him.
He slaps fire out of the kid, he'll not only get sued, he'll do prison time and lose his license to teach. The story sounds preposterous because he played college ball, but a child on a tirade could hurt someone. The kid is clearly a terror as this wasn't his first incident, but like this one his parents just looked away. That type of behavior from parents which enables the kid to do worse because he knows there won't be any consequences.

I have to second this. Teachers are literally handcuffed in terms of what they can do with their kids anymore. A teacher in Canada lost his job because he gave some students a ZERO for not handing in work.

I hope this teacher wins the lawsuit and it sets a precedent because if he had even smacked the kid's hands - he would've lost his job, been tried for assault and done some time.
Major props to teachers, ****** pay to deal with other people's kids everyday. Takes a strong person to do that.
fought a 6 year old once. Dominated.

I mean, it was 2009, but still. It counts.
Honestly I can see the teacher's point....that little kid sounds like a trouble maker and you best believe had he laid hands on him even in trying to restrain him or throw him off form biting him those parents would've had the lawyer lined up on speed dial.

He did the smart thing and covered his *** legally by not retaliating which he easily could have done with a little first grader (probably could have seriously injured him).

But what's up with these kids now a days not respecting a teacher or authority? smh The story might sound crazy but the teacher has a case by being smart about this situation, kids cant do whatever they want without repercussions...He would've been locked up on the spot if he so much as pushed the kid off him
Taht girl is disgusting look at those disgusting tattoos and ugly *** short hair. yuck.

props to the teacher for keeping his cool. i hope the family and the little kid pay for the rest of their lives. i can't stand little kids that get away with **** like this and everyone gives em the benefit of the doubt. dead *** b.
So if the teacher puts hands on the kid and the kid cries foul, guess who's going to probably be reprimanded or lose their job?

Like it was said, teacher handled this in the right way and he might make a buck or two out of this situation.

My .02, I'm guessing this kid has been a problem for a while. Teacher's pleas for help have probably been ignored and this is the teacher sticking it back to his school system.

I can't even be mad at the dude.
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