599$ Unlimited Travel for a Month on JetBlue


Oct 27, 2005
The time is Sept 08 through October 08 and it includes all their locations ( http://www.jetblue.com/wherewejet/ ), even international although you have to pay the taxes and fees on those.

I would jump all over this, but the nearest airport they fly from is an 8hr drive, so I'd either have to drive that much or fly there which is going totake 130$ on each departure and return.

Just thought I'd put it out there in case someone else could use it. Imagine just coming home from work everyday and flying to some random place to eat,then coming home in time to go to work tommorow and do the same thing (although I think there is some "can't touch the same airport more than once inthe same day" rule). Still, you could go crazy on the weekends or just fly back at the asscrack of dawn the next morning and do it every other day.
I would be all over this but it is only from sept 09 to Oct 09. If you could pick your own 30 days this could be a cash cow.
How is JetBlue as an airline anyways? Aren't they that one that keeps their fares low but then charges a premium for everything, including water and goingto the bathroom? Or maybe that was Spirit.
ugh... i might use it and just do weekend trips all september. but with school its rough
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