NT Gardeners Thread

Oct 13, 2001
Am thinking about starting up a garden in the backyard. Wouldn't mind being able to grow my own food.
Pics would be nice as well.
Ive been toying with the idea of taking this up as a hobby. I might grab some books on it.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

You will be at homedepot every saturday.

Spoiler [+]
U married DC?

Home Depot is expensive. What about "WalMarks" will they be able to satisfy my seed's needs? Not trying to spend a whole lot of money with this project.

Shoes you garden?
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C'mon DC. How are you going to have such a sinister avi, but behind that tough front, you're a gardener?

And DC I don't know what part of the MDV you're in but there's a place called Eds Plant World going towards Brandywine.
There are a ton of garden specific places around here though.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

You will be at homedepot every saturday.

Spoiler [+]
U married DC?


Home Depot is expensive. What about "WalMarks" will they be able to satisfy my seed's needs? Not trying to spend a whole lot of money with this project.

Shoes you garden?
Go when they have deals

Naw I used to work in the garden department for a lil while at Home depot in undergrad , I hate gardeners so anal (pause)

Walmarts ok for a play play garden,the key is great soil

Answer my question

Gardening aint easy alone, you need a ladies finesse .
We volunteer at a community garden in the lot behind our house occasionally.  You might want to research some local nonprofit programs (like Urban Harvest) that offer free classes and volunteer sessions.  You'll need to figure out plot size, soil type, and climate compatibility. 


P.S. - I forgot to mention in the Steve Nash thread that I have a strong post up game, too. 
Great Thread. Not a Gardener myself but plan to get into one day, who knows. Would love to see some of you fellow NT'ers Gardens
Get the plants from a local nursery rather than a chain store like home depot or walmart.
plants arent that expensive. and gardening is fun. i love to do it its so relaxing and makes your home beautiful.

have fun
Gardening's right up there with my least favorite things to do.

Unbelievable waste of time - it all just grows back no matter what you do!
Been learning a lot ever since my dad converted my half court Bball court in the backyard into more gardening plots

Got apple trees, Asian pear trees, fig trees, grapefruit trees, tomatoes, spearmint, bok choy and seasonal squashes in the backyard. Tons of orchids, as well.

Can't overstate how important good soil is.
Originally Posted by kdawg

Gardening's right up there with my least favorite things to do.

Unbelievable waste of time - it all just grows back no matter what you do!

just like hair? 

grape tomatoes






I have more pics it just takes forever to load them onto the internet.

gardening is so easy.  You're going to make a lot of mistakes at first but gradually you become better and better.  
depends on how big your plot is. If it's a small area or you want to just try gardening out just start with a herb plot (basil, dill, rosemary, thyme...etc.) or potted plants. If you have a bigger plot then do vegetables. Get a good organic soil...FoxFarm, Schull's....add some amendments (espoma makes some great products), till before you do anything if your working with just raw dirt. water and your good.

if your growing certain vegetables like tomatoes then you gotta get a circular cage. Cucumbers, eggplant, peas can grow pretty nicely along a fence.
Do people in the hood steal garden food? A lot of people walk behind my house through the alley. Sure they would be able to see my goods from the alley.
Gonna start one soon too...might look into aquaponics. Wouldn't mind raising my own fish and starting up a chicken coup

Spoiler [+]
Learn about Compost teas, and Worm Castings. If it's going in your body, organic is the only option.

P.S. The "Seer" Rockdust in the vid is sold only in Scotland, for us in North America, "Azomite" and "Gaia Green" are your best bet.
my dad has a garden, hes more into planting avocados now tho

buy a couple avocados, eat them, keep the pitt, put tooth picks on the side of it and place in a cup where only the butt is touching the water, after a few weeks it will crack and a root will start to grow, then plant it
Im starting a large container garden this season....

got some mini tomatoes going right now... will post pics later
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Do people in the hood steal garden food? A lot of people walk behind my house through the alley. Sure they would be able to see my goods from the alley.

My father in law used to grow his own hot peppers - he ordered special hot seeds in the mail and stuff. Local kids got in to the garden and ate a bellyful once.

Originally Posted by kdawg

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Do people in the hood steal garden food? A lot of people walk behind my house through the alley. Sure they would be able to see my goods from the alley.

My father in law used to grow his own hot peppers - he ordered special hot seeds in the mail and stuff. Local kids got in to the garden and ate a bellyful once.


who's straight up eating hot peppers by itself though? 

those kids must have been trippin' on something.
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