Attention California Residents - Updated 9/20

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Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
Beginning January 1st, 2020, NikeTalk will present all visitors accessing the site from California with data privacy options at the bottom of each page, pursuant to the California Consumer Privacy Act.

These options will continue to appear within the footer of each page and allow you to either accept or decline personalized advertising. You may modify your decision at any time.

Under the CCPA, California residents are entitled to request information about the information our website has collected about your account. Such requests may be made by email, via [email protected], and will be fulfilled pending verification of the requester's identity.

If you'd like more information about the types of information NikeTalk collects, and how this information is used or shared, please refer to our privacy policy.

Rest assured that NikeTalk does not sell user data compiled by our system. While the exact information we collect is laid out in the privacy policy, user data are generally limited to the information that you and your Internet browser supply to us directly through your use of the service. This includes information you provide during registration, such as your account name, email address, and profile details, which you may edit here: Additionally, we log information about how you access our service for diagnostic and security purposes.

Advertisers may collect their own data through the use of tracking cookies to provide personalized advertising. California and EU residents may opt out of this via the aforementioned privacy choices by clicking the "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" link you'll find at the bottom of the page:


This allows you to update your privacy settings at any time. If you clear your cookies or allow them to expire, you'll want to revisit this link to reestablish your preferred settings.

If you choose to update your privacy settings, you can view and edit permissions associated with personalized advertising:

image (1).png

The options available to you will depend on your location.

Additionally, all users may set a "do not track" preference in your web browser and/or operating system. Details are available here:

If you have any questions or concerns, you can let us know here, contact me via PM, or email our support team via [email protected]

Thank you for your understanding!
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