7 Fighting 1: Chicago/Bridgeport NTer's

Doesn't matter if it was retaliation, what they did was wromg and documented.
For all we know, the 20 vs 2 never happened or is greatly exaggerated.
Dudes who get their a__ beat always tell tall tales to save face.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

She dun goofed


The 16-year-old Arlington Heights teen charged in the videotaped attack on a high school senior recently moved to the Northwest suburbs from the Bridgeport neighborhood of Chicago, his attorney said Wednesday.

The boy appeared in juvenile court Wednesday, one of seven teenagers accused of taking part in Sunday’s attack on a 17-year-old Curie High School senior. The victim was repeatedly punched, kicked, sworn at and robbed of shoes and his wallet, according to the graphic video making rounds on the Internet.

Five boys and a girl made a short appearance in juvenile court Wednesday. A seventh suspect, 17-year-old Raymond Palomino of the 3500 block of South Hoyne, Chicago, is the only one charged as an adult. A $100,000 bond was set for him Wednesday in a separate court appearance at 26th and California.

The Daily Herald knows the Arlington Heights teen’s name but is not publishing it because he has been charged as a minor.

Most of the juveniles — including the Arlington Heights teen — standing before Judge Terrence V. Sharkey Wednesday were Asian-American, like the victim. In response to his question, they all said they can speak English.

Sharkey said they are each charged with four felonies — robbery, theft from a person, aggravated battery and mob action — and two misdemeanors, battery and theft.

He released all the juveniles to their parents, and told them to return Tuesday for arraignment, when a Cantonese interpreter will be available, presumably for their parents.

The Arlington Heights teen was the only juvenile to already have a private attorney at today’s hearing.

George Sarikos, whose law office is in Bridgeport, said he took the Arlington Heights teen into the police station Tuesday after Chicago police called the teen’s mother to say the boy had been identified as a suspect.

He acknowledged that until recently the teen had been part of the Bridgeport Chinese community, so “I imagine he has extensive ties in that area,
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Pretty dumb, they do this in retaliation and have to pay just because it was recorded. 

how is it pretty dumb? they thought they were hard core video taping this %+$!. how *$+$%@* stupid can you get? !%%* all them losers. all 7 of them losers get what they deserve so its not "pretty dumb"
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Pretty dumb, they do this in retaliation and have to pay just because it was recorded. 

how is it pretty dumb? they thought they were hard core video taping this %+$!. how *$+$%@* stupid can you get? !%%* all them losers. all 7 of them losers get what they deserve so its not "pretty dumb"
I know. Not only that, they didn't have to upload it, and the guy who showed his face should've been masked.
So that frail asin chick in the vid set the dude up? Man you gotta be careful with these chicks these days
Originally Posted by Based Mod

Originally Posted by sdsolecollector23

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer
Word from anon is that this B!$%& is the gf of the dude that showed his face in the video
i watched all 7 minutes of her rambling about nothing
But uh um, like...She was um there but like um how you um but like she was like 7 minutes um like uh..
actually this aint that bad. one of those kids coulda had a blade or worse a burner. dude that got jumped is lucky they aint really about that lifestyle. Real Lucky
I can't say I feel his pain because nothing in this videonshowed strong impact to where it felt like I was getting hit
.. But I do feel for him in the psychological aspect. When someone no longer has peace of mind, that can be a life stopper, hope this dude can move on and have this experience make him stronger.
  As for those boys, was it worth it?  
 Stupid kids..Gave away their freedom for MONEY and the worst kind of fame you can ask for.. Now they're gonna be housed with real teenage wolves looking to get blood on their hands 
Originally Posted by lildisciple111

actually this aint that bad. one of those kids coulda had a blade or worse a burner. dude that got jumped is lucky they aint really about that lifestyle. Real Lucky

TRUE but it goes both ways bro-seph. If the previous 20 vs 1 or 2 is true then they are both lucky. It doesnt take a mob to mess up a person. All it takes is one preson and depending on what their intentions are you might go home with a harry potter band aid for your scrapes, earn a trip to the hospital, or worse in a casket. If any of you have seen or heard about "payback" hits, it ranges from this similarly where one guy or a small group gets swarmed by a bigger group and get a beating or on the far end of that spectrum a simple walk up with a knife stab or gun shot/s in well placed locations.

They surely dropped the ball by leaking the video which was used as evidence to incriminate them. Piss off the wrong person and you could catch a case...

How dumb do you have to be to tape and upload yourself while you're committing a crime?

It reminds me of the time when 2 robbers were stealing stuff from an electronics store like Best Buy at night and took pictures on the STORE demo cameras of them smiling and posing for the pic

You might as well go straight to the police station if you're going to upload a video of something like that.
damn i couldn't watch that video of the girl past 3 minutes..."ummm uhhh hmm huh i know its wrong uhhh hmmm cause huh it is hmm"
Originally Posted by scshift

How dumb do you have to be to tape and upload yourself while you're committing a crime?

It reminds me of the time when 2 robbers were stealing stuff from an electronics store like Best Buy at night and took pictures on the STORE demo cameras of them smiling and posing for the pic

You might as well go straight to the police station if you're going to upload a video of something like that.

thank the internets for youtube.

youtube + stupid people + camera phones = ratting on themselves.
the internet messin kids minds up smh....alotta the lil knuckleheads dont see the problem with committing a crime on camera and uploading it for the world to see, just dont understand that...
Originally Posted by CWrite78

thank the internets for youtube.

youtube + stupid people + camera phones = ratting on themselves.

This guy recorded himself doing 180mph in an Aston Martin in a 75 mph zone and posted it on youtube. Cops tracked the car down (it was limited edition) and they seized it. It's crazy how many street race videos you can find on youtube though, even with cars like Lamborghinis and Ferraris and stuff. It's like people want to get in trouble.
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