7 Foods So Unsafe Even Farmers Won't Eat Them

Originally Posted by HyphySole

does chef boyarde count as canned tomatoes... I eat the ravioli all the time, and it has tomato sauce?

thats not exactly the same thing, whatever tomatoes are in your can have already been cooked and processed and i doubt this acid that theyre talking about affects the "chef's" processed food

as for that list, what isnt bad for you?  you eat something your entire life theyre bound to find problems with your system that "may or may not" coincide with whatever youve been eating all those years

its all about moderation
Originally Posted by sigmakidownz

That's the last I'll eat those microwaveable popcorns

Me too. 
People should always be careful with seafood for that reason. Salmon might be my favorite food, but I've always tried to steer clear of the stuff coming from fish farms. And I didn't realize apples were like that. I might be done with them now.
Costco often has wild salmon for the same price as farmed salmon, no reason to fret.
Organic or go home for sure. And definitely don't eat microwaved popcorn anymore. Gotta stay smart.
Originally Posted by steven42lh

Originally Posted by theconditioner

Good post.

Here are some other interesting facts to consider:

-High dairy intake increases chances of prostate cancer for men.  So does high zinc intake (super high levels, though).

-BPA lasts in the human body only briefly, so its effects are not clearly understood.  I try not to mess with it though.

-There is a huge debate over whether or not soy products are healthy for you (especially highly processed ones).

-You only need 1000-1500 mg of sodium per day.  FDA suggests a daily recommended intake of about 2,400 mg.  Most people get 2-3 times that much. 

-Red meat is associated with a number of cancers. 

-(From UNC) Never buy peaches that aren't organic.  For some reason pesticides are hard to remove from them. 

I read a really good article in a recent issue of Men's Health talking about the damage men are doing to themselves by eating soy products so much. Lowers testosterone (raises estrogen) and in some extreme instances cause breasts to start growing.I have been minimizing my intake.
Yea I read the same article.  Only soy I get is from Kashi cereal I eat 4 times a week.  So I'm good overall.  But I've been trying to tell this to people all the time.  But they are so naive listening to everything that researches which were funded by the soy companies as proof that is isn't harmful.  I mean common...
Yea I read the same article.  Only soy I get is from Kashi cereal I eat4 times a week.  So I'm good overall.  But I've been trying to tellthis to people all the time.  But they are so naive listening toeverything that researches which were funded by the soy companies asproof that is isn't harmful.  I mean common...

Youre not going to grow **** from eating soy. The change in testosterone levels are so miniscule if AT ALL. These fitness magazines biggest advertisers are supp. companies like muscletech and bsn which produce various forms of whey protein. Expect some dis-info. A lot of it.
this threads got me all concerned....that eventually i wont be able to eat anything without thinking twice.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by steven42lh

Originally Posted by theconditioner

Good post.

Here are some other interesting facts to consider:

-High dairy intake increases chances of prostate cancer for men.  So does high zinc intake (super high levels, though).

-BPA lasts in the human body only briefly, so its effects are not clearly understood.  I try not to mess with it though.

-There is a huge debate over whether or not soy products are healthy for you (especially highly processed ones).

-You only need 1000-1500 mg of sodium per day.  FDA suggests a daily recommended intake of about 2,400 mg.  Most people get 2-3 times that much. 

-Red meat is associated with a number of cancers. 

-(From UNC) Never buy peaches that aren't organic.  For some reason pesticides are hard to remove from them. 

I read a really good article in a recent issue of Men's Health talking about the damage men are doing to themselves by eating soy products so much. Lowers testosterone (raises estrogen) and in some extreme instances cause breasts to start growing.I have been minimizing my intake.
Yea I read the same article.  Only soy I get is from Kashi cereal I eat 4 times a week.  So I'm good overall.  But I've been trying to tell this to people all the time.  But they are so naive listening to everything that researches which were funded by the soy companies as proof that is isn't harmful.  I mean common...
Yeah? Question for you, which industry do you think is larger, the dairy industry or the soy industry?

You dont think the dairy industry has a much larger influence on research and funding?

Soy may not be the perfect food out there - No food will be "perfect" as far as nutrition, but I have no doubt in my mind that all of the estrogen/soy talk is totally overblown and stemming from the dairy industry.

Meth has posted on that specific topic before and it was pretty clear.
It's not that any of these foods are bad, it's a result of the industrialization of our food. We want cheap food, so big food must resort to cheaper methods.

This results in all these antibiotics and sprays and all that junk.

As with all things, though, moderation of everything is the key.
To be honest, I would take that study with a grain of salt.  I'd actually like to look at it. 

But mostly, what they concluded was that the p value of their test statistic was less than their alpha.  The human body is much more complicated than that. 
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Guess I'll take my chances, organic prices are redonkulous around here. Especially on fruits and veggies.


and RIP at the same time
It seems like everything these days are bad for you.

The "good for you" list is shorter than the bad one.
eat everything in moderation guys...

don't go crazy over all these people saying this is bad and that is bad...

Just eat moderately, enjoy your fast food, but also enjoy some exercise and cardio.

all these lists and all this crap is for people who don't know how to handle themselves in moderation, who binge and eat like no tomorrow.

Not saying eat everything under the sun and be fat, but seriously stop stressing over all this information, life is temporary, and we don't need this added stress. We don't need to micromanage our eating habits.

If you eat moderately, limit fast food, junk food, sweets, sodas and all that crap that we know through common sense isn't good for you in large quantities, just about nothing will kill you.

Add some cardio and exercise and you will live a good healthy life...cut out the smoking and you will be golden.

Also remember all these studies that are carried out...some of them are always being debunked and recanted...

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