7 year old handcuffed by NYPD over $5...mom suing for 250 mil.

^exactly. if he was detained for 7 hours because no one could be bothered (mom? grandma? aunt? dad? other emergency contact?) to pick him up, then who's fault it that? Even if the police weren't involved...he would've been in the principals office for 7 hours, same thing. people need to look in the mirror
I think the bullied kid and his parents should sue the bully, Wilson Reyes, and his vulture of a mother for $300M for irreparable damages stemming from months of physical and mental abuse at the hands of Wilson Reyes.

It would be a much needed lesson for both the bully and his mom.

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:lol: at putting a 7 y.o. kid in cuffs, that ain't justifiable.

Police need to be slapped for doing something so stupid, kid's mother needs to be slapped for raising a piece of **** child, the school needs to be slapped for not handling it themselves and lastly the bullied kid's parents need to be slapped for not teaching their son to defend himself..especially since he's 2 yrs older than the bully.

Basically every adult involved in this situation has failed in some way.
Mother has some juicy *******. Why wouldn't a normal dude in the hood have ababy by her? Light skinned too. Most men's dream there. But forreal, what should have been done to the kid? I don't think some of yall understand what goes on in these inner-city schools. Kids do WHAT they want. WHEN they want. And there is nothing the adults in the school can do. You can't touch them. So that is why the police are called.
I agree but i wouldnt put a baby in it, she could get the d tho
I'll ask this question again...

If you're a parent and your child is getting repeatedly bullied at school (even after defending themselves), what's your next step?


Think I'll make a separate thread on this...
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