9/11 Memorial Ten Year Anniversary.... In Pictures.

Originally Posted by CosmicCanon

It may be a little insensitve, but how come the passangers n the flight, didn't just ambush the terroists? Serioursly, it's 200+ people on a flight vs. 2 guys w/ flimsy box cutters.

thre were more than 2 in each plane
there were muscle highjackers who were trained by al qaeda to kill.

they practiced killling by slicing the throat of camels.

great pics JPZx, really powerful 
Again and again, the speakers called the actions of the 40 passengers and crew extraordinary, astonishing and heroic. Mr. Clinton drew an analogy between them and the Spartans in ancient Greece as well as to the Texans at the Alamo; the difference, he said, is that the Spartans and Texans who opted for certain death were soldiers, while those on Flight 93 “just happened to be on a plane.
Very moving set of pictures. From Cali, I may not know how devastating things were that day & over the years, but I definitely feel the aching hearts out there. I will certainly never forget that day.
@CosmicCanon- there were 5 dudes with box cutters, and the passengers were under the impression that there was a bomb

Anyways, after the hijackers killed the pilot, the passengers should have known what's up, but even still, after you kill the hijackers, what do you do? I'm assuming none of them were trained to pilot a plane, so you just have a big uncontrollable missile
For the past five months sculptor Heath Satow has been welding together nearly 3,000 stainless steel figures to form a set of hands meant to hold a segment of I-beam from one of the World Trade Center Towers. The somewhat ambiguous figures (perhaps doves, or people, or angels)





dope in my eyes.
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