9/18 WWE Night of Champions 8pm ET PPV - Punk vs HHH, Del Rio vs Cena, Orton vs Henry | Contest p23

Originally Posted by KiLLaBapi

@CMPunk CM Punk

@steveaustinBSR HBO should fire you. You don't know !#!! about boxing!
6 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks


GHIMS has just finished taking the survey

4w, u shulda added vkm, who is all but confirmed to appear

When he does he ness to find someone anyone WWE employee or a concession stand worker and let them as only he can that.....YOU'RE FIIIIIRRRRREEEEEDDDDDDD.... I haven't heard VKM say it on it in awhile and I kinda miss it...
good survey 4w, you should have asked who will turn heel tonight between HunterGodHelmsley or CommonMan Punk.

one of those menwill be heel by tomorrow night.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

according to the observer podcast, the teams for survivor series have been revealed.

Cena, Rock, CM Punk, Sheamus and one more wrestler to be named later


Del Rio, Christian, Miz, Truth and one more wrestler to be named later
So does that mean Del Rio is losing the title soon?
I'm starving and need to make dinner. I will have an abbreviated preview up around 7. Sorry guys.
Originally Posted by Agthekid

Punk is hilarious

naw punk is lame. can someone tell me what is wrong in that twitter exchange and why it makes punk look like a ****?

anyways good day so far for sports. giants and 49ers winning. now all i need is for hhh to win


WWE has had 5 weeks to build Night of Champions.  I think they've done a relatively good job, and I have a good amount of interest in all of the main matches.  Of course, I think it is far too early to be doing HHH vs CM Punk, but this was not the original plan.  CM Punk was slated to face Kevin Nash, but that had to be canceled after Nash failed his physical.  Time is short, so let's get to the card.


Kelly Kelly (c) vs Beth Phoenix - Divas Championship Match

Kelly Kelly is a terrible champion.  She's beat Beth once.  Beth shouldn't lose to her twice.

Prediction: Beth Phoenix - New Divas Champion


Air Boom (Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne) (c) vs The Miz and R-Truth - WWE Tag Team Championship Match

This one is a toss up, and as they are really the only tag teams in WWE, the program will probably continue.  Miz and Truth were great a few weeks ago, but have now turned into more of a comedy than a serious act.  Having Miz and Truth win the titles to be able to go to Smackdown would help the show, but I just think the faces go over here because they are pretty over with the crowd.

Prediction: Air Boom - Retains Tag Team Titles


Alex Riley vs Dolph Ziggler (c) vs John Morrison vs Jack Swagger - United States Championship Fatal Fourway Match

This is really based around trouble between Ziggler and Swagger with Vickie involved.  I don't see Riley or Morrison as having any shot.  My predicted finish is that one of the faces has Ziggler beat, but Swagger throws the face out of the ring and gets the pin on Ziggler to win the title.  Ziggler and Swagger can continue their feud (even though it is a stupid program).

Prediction: Jack Swagger - New United States Champion


Cody Rhodes (c) vs Ted Dibiase - Intercontinental Championship Match

I have not watched Smackdown recently, so I really am not sure what has led to this match.  However, it's an important match for both men.  Dibiase has been buried for a long, long time, so regardless of if he wins the title or not, this is his chance to show what he has on PPV.  I don't have any official numbers, but I would guess that that Dibiase hasn't been in a singles match on PPV in probably about 2 years.  If he can shine here, it may finally give him the bump he needs to start to move up the card.  Rhodes face mask and paper bag gimmick is incredibly stale.  So I am going to say that Dibiase wins, his face push starts, and Rhodes drops the face mask to become a more serious heel.

Prediction: Ted Dibiase - New Intercontinental Champion


Randy Orton (c) vs Mark Henry - World Heavyweight Championship Match

Mark Henry has been awesome leading up to this match.  He's been pushed like a monster.  He's cut awesome promos.  He has a great look.  The only problem is, he probably won't have a good PPV match.  Regardless, this is the time to give him the strap.  If they don't do it now, they never will.  With how often the titles change, there is no reason to not give Henry a run.  Orton has publicly said that Henry is the person he likes working with the least, so hopefully he doesn't try to sabotage this match because it will be blamed on Henry if he does.

Prediction: Mark Henry - New World Heavyweight Champion


Alberto Del Rio (c) vs John Cena - WWE Championship Match

They have been doing this match on house shows with Del Rio getting DQ'ed, so Cena wins but Del Rio keeps the belt.  I have not liked the build to this match.  Cena lost his title to Punk, and Del Rio cashed in MITB on Punk to win the title.  This outraged Cena, so he challenged Del Rio.  He has insulted Del Rio each week for renting cars.  That's about it.  Del Rio needs to have the title with the tour of Mexico coming up.  However, Hell in a Cell is in two weeks, so he may lose it tonight and win it back at Hell in a Cell.  However, I'll predict that Del Rio gets the win here with the help of Ricardo Rodriguez which sets up Del Rio and Cena in the cell so no one can interfere.

Prediction: Alberto Del Rio - Retains WWE Title


CM Punk vs HHH - No Disqualification Match

If HHH loses, he must step down as COO.  It will be interesting to see how HHH looks, as this is only his 2nd match in 18 months.  It should be a good match and will certainly have a lot of heat.  My quick prediction is that Nash comes out, looks like he's going to attack HHH, but instead attacks CM Punk to allow HHH to get the win.  HHH, Nash, and Laurinaitis then celebrate as a new corporate heel faction.

Prediction: HHH
is that really the official night of champions pic on the wwe site? what a horrible orton photoshop
The people I think are going to win tonight. .

Beth Phoenix
The awesome truth
Mark Henry
Del Rio
HHH - not going winless in 2011..
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Punk is hilarious

naw punk is lame. can someone tell me what is wrong in that twitter exchange and why it makes punk look like a ****?

anyways good day so far for sports. giants and 49ers winning. now all i need is for hhh to win


Man shut up

Beth Phoenix New Divas Champ
Dolph Ziggler Retains U.S Title
Air Boom Retain Tag Titles
Randy Orton Retains the WHC (hopefully breaks his fibula and the title will be vacant)
Del Rio Retains the WWE Title
HHH wins
Cody Rhodes retains the IC Title
now that the contest entries are done, i now have spoilers for tonights NOC PPV

Spoiler [+]
beth phoenix is expected to win tonight

punk/hhh will go last

nash is expected to interfere. the thing is nobody knows if nash will attack both men, leading to a triple threat at HIAC. the feeling is that nash will attack punk tho, leading to a match between the 2 at HIAC.
Is it true that the winner of tonight's prediction contest gets TNA auto insurance? Please confirm or deny.


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