9 year old letter to santa leads to arrest SMH

A bad and a good has come from this. Yay we got a pervert. Boo children's letters can't even though untainted. It def was worth it this time though
I hope they do this a lot more in schools. Like a little sting to see if there is more Pedos out there.
Oh in prison he gone get destroyed. They hate pedos
Originally Posted by Face82

I hope they do this a lot more in schools. Like a little sting to see if there is more Pedos out there.
Oh in prison he gone get destroyed. They hate pedos
Originally Posted by brendanmaguire

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by derryj3

That's so sad
I really can't feel any remorse for child molestors...
Like I can understand rapists in a way, but not on little kids man


Originally Posted by CarolinaPack04

yea no & i dont think that its even that close

people that are victims of rape & molestation are still alive.
people that are victims of murder & manslaughter are dead.

being alive>being dead
i LOL'd

I always lol'd that in jail rapists get treated like second class criminAls...these dudes Murdering freely, but they act like a rapists sin is 10x worstLol @ you if you agree with prison politics y'all lying if you say you ain't never thought about it, I'm saying at least in a joking way!That's like saying you never thought about punching someone in the face
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