_ NT How Do You Exchange A Broken 360 @ Wal-Mart? _

Dec 5, 2007
got an out of warranty RROD and i need to exchange it and i heard it's mad easy at wal mart.
what exactly do i gotta do or can i just open up the box and replace the new 360 with my old one and go ask for a return?
will they return an opened 360 if everything is there or do i gotta make the box seem like it was never open?
well when my xbox 360 broke I bought a new and carefully unpacked it and remembered how everything was inside the box. Put the old 360 in the box like nothinghappened and gave them the receipt and they didnt even open the box.

Got a new 360 and my money back.
you got to make sure the serial # on the housing matches the serial # on the box. think about it.
Originally Posted by sagolous

well when my xbox 360 broke I bought a new and carefully unpacked it and remembered how everything was inside the box. Put the old 360 in the box like nothing happened and gave them the receipt and they didnt even open the box.

Got a new 360 and my money back.

my dude

but wasn't the plastic seal on the outside of the box broken?
or did they not even notice?
Originally Posted by Nawth21

you got to make sure the serial # on the housing matches the serial # on the box. think about it.
i don't think there is a serial on the outside of the box, it's just a UPC code which is the same for every 360 but i might be wrong.
The flap on the box where the serial number is is checked. Serial numbers must match up. If they ask whats wrong, say you recieved it as a gift but want a ps3instead. Spark up a convo w the cust service person to make the transaction alot smoother and the full attention is not focused on the item.
Wal Mart would take it back anyways without all of that, just tell them it was defective. And no Gg0tti, they have one of the most lax return policies combinedwith minimum wage making employees who don't, nor do they really have reason to give a %%%!, it's not their stuff.

I need to return this Blu Ray player my sister bought me though. I haven't even opened it, it's just I am going to get the next model up (the SonyBDPN460) because of the online content plus it's cheaper, but I don't know about taking it back because I'm not 100% my sister bought it. She knowssome shady dudes who steal %%#+ and sell it, so it might be stolen and set the alarm off on me when I walk in with it. I had that happen to me at KMart before,but it was just a mistake that time. Still, very embarassing
The serial number is located on the unit itself, but there is a flap on the box that they flip up and check.
most of thoes employees there don't care...especially the younger folks...

they probably don't pay them enough to care...
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

hopefully you get caught.


hopefully you or your loved ones end up buying the broken 360 that i exchange

Originally Posted by II Jovo II

The serial number is located on the unit itself, but there is a flap on the box that they flip up and check.

yeah but i don't really see why wal-mart would even check the serial on the console, it's not like they offer extended warranties or anything.
Originally Posted by C o IVI p L e X

Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

hopefully you get caught.


hopefully you or your loved ones end up buying the broken 360 that i exchange

Originally Posted by II Jovo II

The serial number is located on the unit itself, but there is a flap on the box that they flip up and check.

yeah but i don't really see why wal-mart would even check the serial on the console, it's not like they offer extended warranties or anything.
they do offer extended warranties
Originally Posted by 410FRESH

Yea im calling Walmart HQs and giving them the heads up

I have located OP's zip code and have alerted all Walmarts within a 50 mile radius
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