_ NT How Do You Exchange A Broken 360 @ Wal-Mart? _

Originally Posted by nbirn2103

Some things are better left discussed with close friends and not NT.
Seriously, this message board just reinforces how many idiots really are out there.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by 430AM

More than likely they will check if the serial codes match on both the xbox and the box... You can switch the serial stickers from old xbox to new xbox but they'll def. check to see if it's been tampered with.

at WalMart? for 6.50 an hour? when it ain't even their $!@%? I'm telling you, you don't have to go to that much trouble. Just take it back.
Hell, my mom took back an RCA flatscreen just yesterday because we noticed some dead pixels. But she forgot the remote, batteries, A/V cables, and ac adapter where all still in my room in a little baggie that I hadn't yet put back in th eback. They took it back no problem. Granted this is KMart, but I'm telling you, the vast majority don't care and they damn sure aren't opening the box matching serial numbers. At most, they'll make sure it's something in there.

They have to scan the barcode on the box and on the 360 itself in order to return it. So you have to atleast which the barcodes.
Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

Extremely unethical and very criminal.
Very unethical and wrong of microsoft not to exchange his defective 360. So he is doing it himself, what they should have done in the firstplace.
Originally Posted by C o IVI p L e X

got an out of warranty RROD and i need to exchange it and i heard it's mad easy at wal mart.
what exactly do i gotta do or can i just open up the box and replace the new 360 with my old one and go ask for a return?
will they return an opened 360 if everything is there or do i gotta make the box seem like it was never open?

Ive done it with a PS3 before. That works go to Wal Mart at about 9:56, 4 minutes before customer service closes so they wont really want to thoroughly checkthe system
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