_anyone just have horrible handwriting?

raises hand...and its never uniform for some reason...sometimes in all caps sometimes all lower case sometimes with a lil cursive where the letter connect butstill print...my handwriting sucks
I guarantee mine is the worst.....Like I see tons of people who say they have bad handwriting then I see it and it is still 10 times better then mine...My momounce told me after I wrote a thank you card to my aunt that I write like a serial killer
I have terrible handwriting, but I love writing... not writing essays and stuff, but I just love to write; especially with pen
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Nah I have neat handwriting, chicks always tell me I have nice handwriting for a dude.....def earns with chicks like you wouldnt believe. Get your pensmanship game up

what the hell are u talking about? Thats ridiculous. I've never heard of a girl givin a guy some butt because his handwriting was neat. Lol, where they dothat at? No choppa city. Are u kidding me? u thirsty as hell if u think a chick feeling u casue she tell u ur handwriting is neat. wow. ive heard it all.I've never heard a chick talk about a dude like "Yeah, my man is cute, he can dress, and omg, his handwriting is soooo neat!! thats the deal breakertho!" like huh? ur wildin g...yeah i'm mad.
my handwriting varies. it varies in midsentence.......mid paragraph...... mid paper...everywhere.

if i wrote a page then u would think that it was written by many different people.
I don't have the worst, but mine is like chicken scratch compared to my parents. Sometimes even the same letters look different on my papers.

But my signature is on point.
I got plenty of compliments from females before for my handwriting

They be wanting me to write them stuff just cuz my handwriting rocks yo

i work that to my advantage.
My cursive writing is horrible.

My signature is %*%$. You ever sign for something with the UPS man or something like that, and they have to do a triple and quadruple check?

I have to sign something for people everyday and everyday my signature looks completely different.
Originally Posted by ATMOSquare

I do I got that norman bates serial killer script. take a look (click for ninjahood)

Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!

cot damn, and I thought mine was terrible.

You made my handwriting look like it's type written...seriously
Do you think attempting to relearn how to write the letter would do any good? I hate my handwriting.
people have always told me I have neat handwriting. dudes in HS used to ask me to rewrite their love letters to some girls
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