_random acts of kindness APPRECIATION

Dec 1, 2004
any of you guys feel me on this? the least likely of people are there to help you with something..

when the person behind you in line gives you their spare change when you're short on something.

when you're hungry and don't have any food and someone out of no where gives you a cookie or a double cheesburger or something.

or when you need help on a stupid english paper about illegal immigration and some random nter is helping you and actually giving you GOOD CREDIBLEinformation...
thank you shay.

post your stories!
Yeah...I'll give sumbody a Port or change 4 the bus or let em hop in "the rotation" 4 free...I believe in good and bad karma...it aint thatserious 2 do a lil sumthin nice 4 sumbody if you can, and it might even come back 2 you sumday...
at school, some guy was 5 cents short, and I just so happen to have 5 cents. so I gave it to him. he was thanking me for like 10 seconds.

someone bought me spam musubi

and someone also offered to buy my parts for my physics project.(though the place didnt have anything)
friend bought me pinkberry though I said I'd pay.

I needed money(like 50 cents), and this dude just gave me 5 dollars.

once at a clippers game, we were in the luxury boxes and the guy sitting at the bar thingy across from me gave me all his candy because he didnt want it.
yeah I try to be nice when I have the chance to balance out the bad that I do

The other day I was at work and this dude looked like he was workin mad hard pickin up these big boxes, so I thought to myself "nobody here ever worksthat hard so I should get him a drink since I'm gettin something from the vending machine"..So I was like ayo my dude..I wanna get something to drinkbut idk which I like more..Pepsi or Sprite..I havent drunk soda in awhile so what do you think is better?" and he says sprite so I bought myself a spriteand walked over n handed him one

He was pretty happy to get one..he keeps sayin hes gonna repay me by getting me a drink next time but I keep tellin him I dont want one..people are so not usedto being treated nicely lol..its pretty sad
Originally Posted by bbanks707

i gave some kids apple juice today

that kinda sounds wrong.
maybe it's just the wording or something.. lmao. although it can be completely innocent.
If I ever have like $5-10 in my pocket I almost always give it to a homeless person.

When I work in Manhatten I do it all the time.

Either that or Ill buy them a slice of pizza or something.

I wish I had more money to do it because it really does bother me when I see homeless people.

I used to feel no sympathy when I was younger but as you get older you realize what that person might have went through.
i gave a homeless man a dollar the other day...i drove by the first time and he had this defeated look on his face...when i came back around i gave him adollar and then the car in front of me did the same...maybe she was gonna do it anyway but i like to think it was a chain reaction...started by me...
it's all gravy, as long as it doesn't involve $$$ I'm always willing to lend a hand.
Originally Posted by innocentmanse7en

Yeah...I'll give sumbody a Port or change 4 the bus or let em hop in "the rotation" 4 free...I believe in good and bad karma...it aint that serious 2 do a lil sumthin nice 4 somebody if you can, and it might even come back 2 you someday...


i always give chump change to people thats short. someday ill get it back.
Originally Posted by innocentmanse7en

Yeah...I'll give sumbody a Port or change 4 the bus or let em hop in "the rotation" 4 free...I believe in good and bad karma...it aint that serious 2 do a lil sumthin nice 4 somebody if you can, and it might even come back 2 you someday...


i always give chump change to people thats short. someday ill get it back.
yeah, I started to act nice now, I used to act like a jerk, I used to tell girl the truth of what i thought of them..now i realized how much of an a-hole iwas....so when someone needs something now or later im more than happy to lend a helping hand....
....when i go to a restaurant and I know there is a homeless outside ill order them a meal and give them some extra bucks.
I once gave a guy a lift a couple of miles from his car. He told me his daughter lives in SF and that he needed money to pay back this mechanic who fixed hiscarburetor, which he obtained enough of, and that he just needed a ride back to his car, so I gave him one. I felt pretty good inside knowing I helped somebodyout...

But then the same guy came up to me a few weeks later and gave me the EXACT SAME STORY. I didn't help him that time. Only to find out later that day thatmy boy had the same guy come up to him a week before with the same story.

Nonetheless, random generosity FTW!
in situations like that i tend to be like the Levite and turn a blind eye to the person inneed
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

I once gave a guy a lift a couple of miles from his car. He told me his daughter lives in SF and that he needed money to pay back this mechanic who fixed his carburetor, which he obtained enough of, and that he just needed a ride back to his car, so I gave him one. I felt pretty good inside knowing I helped somebody out...

But then the same guy came up to me a few weeks later and gave me the EXACT SAME STORY. I didn't help him that time. Only to find out later that day that my boy had the same guy come up to him a week before with the same story.

Nonetheless, random generosity FTW!

I never let anybody I don't know into my car. What you did was pretty dangerous and he could have pulled a gun on you or stabbed you violently untilyour death.
Nah, dude had no jacket and nothing in his pockets or socks. He had a tank top and jean shorts, no weapons at all. Didn't have any second guesses onwhether he was packing heat or not 'cuz I could clearly tell he wasn't. Even if he was...

in situations like that i tend to be like the Levite and turn a blind eye to the person in need
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Nah, dude had no jacket and nothing in his pockets or socks. He had a tank top and jean shorts, no weapons at all. Didn't have any second guesses on whether he was packing heat or not 'cuz I could clearly tell he wasn't. Even if he was...

in situations like that i tend to be like the Levite and turn a blind eye to the person in need

I'll let it slide since you like Patrick Willis.
I always hold the door open for the person who's walking behind me (leaving department stores).
I gave a kid a dollar because no one would give him 50 cents or even a quarter.
Helped a guy push his car to the gas station.
i may get fired from my job with my generosity. my manager get heated when i dont charge labor to wire lights on a customers car, when i let people slide withpropane if its less then a gallon, and especially when they short on change, ill spot them. theres been occasion when they saw what i did and let them slide,and they give me a tip thats more then what they would have had to pay.

i spotted this woman once like 2-3 bucks because she was short, she came back and brought me homemade mexican food later that day. ive been eating good for thepast couple months because customers i have helped came back with food, or i got connects(tvs, herbs, jumpoffs, phones, speakers, and tires) with variousthings because of my generosity at my job

sometimes i love my job.
appreciated....one time we were driving down from nor-norcal and our car broke down on the golden gate bridge, and there was a truck behind us that pushed usthrough the bridge and saved us from causing a mess...and when the car had to be towed, a random dude offered us a ride to the car shop (cuz the tow truck canonly fit one person; my mom/brother/me did not have a ride).
Appreciated. I remember I went to a workout gym with my iPod and I left it at one station and forgot about it. I was freaking out the whole time after I foundout it was missing, I was so sure one of those big %@! muscle-bound dudes took it, but when I almost gave up looking for it, I went to the front desk and askedif they had seen an iPod and the lady was like "yea someone just put this in the lost and found."

Lost and Found
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