A 47 year old chick wants to hook up with me, should i?

Originally Posted by kidposite

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by AgentPD21

mcnoodlez wrote:
someone PM me the pic please, i wanna see how she looks
Dudes let those flicks go to their head.
Most 47 year olds have a smell, lips hang like roast beef, and if she ho'ing around like that she prob got something.
Also dont be suprised if you meet up at the hotel and her husband is there getting
ready to plug something up. you gotta watch out for them swingers.
at that video

this thread sucks though. 21 pages and the pics don't work and dudes not smashing....
Originally Posted by sn00pee

i saved the pic, and I'd say its what a typical 47 yo woman's body might look like...

I dont see why people are OD'in with
. I'd beat.
I guess they were expecting those brazzer type 47yo women

someone describe how she looks,damn this thread has has been going on forever and nobody has put up some permanent pics or even described the old hag
Lock it up. 15 pages requesting pics and the guy posted 3 times already.
Dudes just looking for fap material. 3 at night.
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