A few of my favorite things...

thank you chris chicago and after reading the article they worked hand in hand with the groups and yah they did have initial issues but worked to fix that as well so I dont see how this was a bad thing.
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But they didn't do it to IMPROVE zoom air, or any other AIR as you indicated. Furthermore, they still had issues with the 360's, and then the other Air bags as well.

"bad thing"

The "bad thing", is people like you running around like you are some kind of expert, on anything, EVER. Reread my FOOL comment.

Chris Chicago,

Greenpeace did get involved. They were the ones who went at Nike in the States.

"but alot of the things Kobe does I would never have done."

MJ in GQ
oh, yeah. that might be the case. i just meant they weren't mentioned in the article I found. it was a similar group but different name.
"i will slap someone if i ever see anyone wear them and try to stunt wit them" -masterani3
like I said before have you tried on any of the original zoom air based shoes ie zoom flight 95,zoom flight 96??yes or no??is there a difference in how the shoe feels between those and the zoom bb's?? or even year to year in the foamposite one/pro to the flightposite 1 to the flightposite 2 to the ultraflight and 2k3?? That was the improvement I was refering to.

I didnt see greenpeace anywhere in the article..and nowhere on greenpeace's international website had they stated that they were involved in making nike change their formula.

youre one to call out people in being experts...what does that make you??oh yah..the fool...

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. The retro-era seems to be nearing an end. While the Retro-Jordan advocates will continue to purchase the aforementioned models at un-godly prices, many people Ive talked to and the general consensus Ive felt is that retro releases will slow down. Sure, people will continue to argue that retro models will never die, and this is probably true, but I think the general demographic of shoe purchasers will slide back towards performance models in 2008 and beyond.

I completely disagree with this. Shoes, for casual use(which makes up more than 80% of the market), i believe will continue to be dominated by the more classic style of the "retro-era". Fashion has a heavy influence on what people wear and for the most part the more modern silohuettes do not look good with normal, everyday clothes. On the streets people will continue to wear the retro styles and on the courts they'll go for performance.
We can spend lots of time exposing how businesses are unethical. Surely every business has done something wrong, and most will continue at least some unethical practice.

One thing is for sure...When speaking of performance basketball sneakers, nearly all brands have a bright future.
Instead of being stuck on stupid Goosebear, a place that you seem to be very comfortable in residing, why don't you check the timeline of those changes, against when Nike was forced to change their formula? It wasn't an improvement, actually, it created an inferior product, that began leaking the very substance that was supposed to be for impact protection.

This created an environment for injury.

If one Air bag leaked in one shoe, while the other did not, this would put the skeletal structure out of neutral, do you know what that means? I am sure that you don't. Even if the foot is positioned a millimeter of an inch higher than the other, the foot will strike differently, and then inefficiently, while running. This creates an imbalance in the Hips, Lower Back, Knees, and then Ankles. If this occurs while jumping and then landing, the shear force without adequate protection, can and will lead to injury. Tendonitis is the first signal/warning, as this is an overuse injury. Also, there is the risk of ankle sprains, and the achilles tendon injuries, if the foot remains out of neutral in this manner.

Now you may say that Basketball itself causes those injuries, and yes, it is a high risk sport. But the shoes you wear should help to PROTECT you, not add to the risk.

A few years ago, Adidas had issues in their own production line with a shoe that is pictured here, the Superstar Ultra.

They found the A3 units to be faulty, so instead of still selling the shoe as Nike did to discount chains when they had a similar problem, they took the hit, then recalled them all.

I respect that. Now I am not saying that Adidas is perfect, but they use a more reliable and tested "tech", inside of their shoes, something that I can trust.

I still like some of Nike's stuff, but quality wise, Nike is suspect. The only reason that Nike has any pull with the public, is because of Jordan and the hipness factor. Neither is about a quality performance product.

The Zoom BB is a GOOD shoe, but again, it's been a long time since Nike Basketball did anything like that....

"but alot of the things Kobe does I would never have done."

MJ in GQ
I dont have a argument all I know...

Nike Sigs > Adidas Sigs as much as I love KG's line the bucks stop here, your making it seem like there wont be lebron VI or Kobe IV which are already in concept stages.
" Nike sigs > Adidas sigs"

Subjective, but I'll do you one better, NO SIGS > SIGS...

...It's played actually. If Nike is still wasting even more time and resources on Kobe Bryant, perhaps they should listen to you about that Phoney Wu Tang Jordan Mamba thingy you made up.


"but alot of the things Kobe does I would never have done."

MJ in GQ
Those superstars still made it to the outlets-adidas superstar recall.I linked the article for the picture that you didnt post Jack

anyways the article provided earlier stated they had issues with the air leaking out but that had been corrected.since youre soo great at know where nike f'ed up how bout u tell us how long they were selling faulty product.Whats funny is thoughout this entire thread you havent supported any of your statements.It was chris chicago who found your precious info about nike being bad for the environment but unfortunately that article wasnt the fire and brimstone wrath of greenpeace forcing the corporate giant that is nike to change the formula of air...jus a little anticlamatic. We get an article that someone else found which unfortunately for you wasnt very scathing and you name drop a niketalk mod...no disrespect to the mods out there..but u name dropped a mod like I'm supposed to sit back in my chair and yell lord jesus he's right Im sorry I ever doubted you and your infinite wisdom...

oh and adidas is contributing to the death of the planet as well-
adidas toxic perfume oh and it was greenpeace who made the "stink"..oh and...
kangaroo issues wheres peta now?!?!?!

great job on the anatomy lesson though..just out of curiousity did a milimeter's difference in your nike shoe cause soo much shock on your body that you lost all common sense?or is that just natural...because youre horribly inefficient with your arguements anyways its been fun keep it coming man
check out my blog unds'ed/
right so did you mean-"generic sig cause none of our adidas sigs sold last season">nike sigs....must have been that milimeter off on them nikes that cause that instability in your head right???someone get this man some stable shoes..soo much
hatred for nike hype but youre like the ******ed version of flava flav to adidas' public enemy
jj's greatest hits-
-"Nike Basketball is hurting."
-"Nike and their loyalists should be nervous."
-"This thing, Hoops shoes, is moving in a different direction, and you can see it."
-"3. KG is in Boston now, and he'll be on Television alot, unlike when he was in Minny where nobody could see him. He is likeable, personable, a TEAM player, and a great interview, now playing for
one of the most storied franchises in sports.
Adidas now has a gold mine there... "
-"7. Nike Basketball is on the ropes, and with companies like Starbury, Adidas, And 1 making affordable shoes that last longer than AIR, Nike Basketball had better be wiser. But with the colors that were released of the Zoom BB, and then other Nike hoops shoes, I don't think that they have a clue...."
-"1.Greenpeace is just like PETA, and if you get on their bad side, they'll do ya' like they did Vick. "
-"The "bad thing", is people like you running around like you are some kind of expert, on anything, EVER. Reread my FOOL comment. "
-"Subjective, but I'll do you one better, NO SIGS > SIGS..."

someone grab this man a shovel he's been digging his own hole with a spork..
check out my blog unds'ed/
However, the materials used can be judged. As we know, Air doesn't last as EVA does, or other cushioining set ups, that do not feature such unstable materials.

actually, air cushioning setups should "theoretically" be one the more durable setups, malfunctioning units not withstanding, because the gas mixture is more consistent throughout and does not break down as eva or polyurethane(s) {think a3, shox} do...so a shoe with air or even polyurethane will often be too rigid for most, taking more than a few wearing to be "broken in". similarly with zoom air, i believe it is comprised of inter-woven fibers, which again are more durable than most eva(s). so if you are talking strictly about durability & stabilty of the materials involved; eva is not the best choice...polyurethanes is generally holds up better than eva, however it generally goes not give much in terms of cushioning, which kinda is where air fits in, more durable than most mixtures of eva & a lil' more forgiving than most polyurethanes...

in the end talking about these things in terms of absolutes is pointless, because most opinions in this realm are entirely subjective (as they should be, after all it is YOUR foot that is going into these shoes). each of the companies mentioned in this thread (adidas, and1, nike, reebok) have the unique approaches/solutions/technologies with worthwhile offerings & though nike is faltering (so are the other brands when it comes to performance product, most likely), it is still by far, dominating the basketball realm; it is still the brand most synonymous with hoops...

this is the perfect climate to be excited about what these might come with to get out of this slump...

the lightspeeds might be the 1st adidas shoe i try to snatch up at retail; it is definitely on the radar...
No idea is original...It is never what you do, but how it is done

But we can speak in "absolutes" when the product fails, correct? Since Nike did change the Air that is used in Zoom and other forms of Air cushioning, they have a hard time keeping it in the bag! So the durability IS suspect, therefore inferior until they improve its reliability.

"but alot of the things Kobe does I would never have done."

MJ in GQ
But we can speak in "absolutes" when the product fails, correct? Since Nike did change the Air that is used in Zoom and other forms of Air cushioning, they have a hard time keeping it in the bag! So the durability IS suspect, therefore inferior until they improve its reliability.

firstly i do not even know if that is true or how true that is? many companies "have trouble" bringing changing prodct in market, doesn't mean they do not work as designed...

but of course, you can for that SPECIFIC product...i.e. if you buy a sony dvd player & it does not work, you only know with any certainty it was faulty UNIT; you do not really assume that EVERY sony dvd player is defective, do you? (you might, however, make an assumption that sony is low quality from that experience; which does not, incidentally, make it true...) until said manufacturer makes a statement or it is reported as such, it really is just comes across as biased opinion when in it not put in the context of the situation...

the point i was trying to make was that each cushioning "system" has its pros & cons. and
No idea is original...It is never what you do, but how it is done
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