A Hollywood actor could prolly kick your butt/make a mean mercenary

Apr 25, 2008
Just thinking, these dudes throughout their career go through all this physical fitness, weapons and fighting training all these roles, i don't think theyever lose that knowledge. They fire more guns than soldiers, Russell Crowe would prolly mash your face in.
When you watch the making of a film, some dudes actually go through arms training in preparation, you don't need real bullets to get your aim right.
Let Russel Crowe try some phone receiver in my face type **@$....I will break his sternum
Originally Posted by TD The God

Let Russel Crowe try some phone in receiver in my face type #%$%....I will break his sternum

i wouldn't mess with some of those swole dudes in action movies. but as far as mainstream hollywood goes i think i'd handle my biz quite nicely.
Most muscled up actors are juiced. plus they are trained mostly in acrobatics and coordinated moves, only a few could really react to something they didn'tknow was coming.
Probably those with martial arts backgrounds/do their own stunts can. But for the rest... nah...
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