Some people spend their hard earned money on skeletons, but paying resale on sneakers is the problem. Sure.
Told my buddy I was thinking about cancelling the trade and he’s cool with it. He was able to still find a hookup for his pair too which makes me happy. Now I gotta get some gear for these. I don’t wear neutral or earth tone colors at all so this will be a fun expansion to my closet. Should have mine in hand tomorrow.
My sz 11.5W is slowly creeping down but not sure where it'll lay. I hope when pairs come in hand next few days people undercut to where they reach $400...
I should've held off another 24 hours, sz11 now down in the $470 range. I actually temporarily forgot I had early yesterday thrown in a bid for $530. Then prices started falling and I thought, I should delete that bid and lower it or wait another day or three and see what happens. Got distracted with work stuff, totally spaced and didn't do it, and suddenly I got the SX notification that bid was accepted. SMFH. Ahhhh well, still way better than the people who were shelling out hundreds and hundreds more just a week or two ago. I just want the dang shoes so I can wear them immediately.
I should've held off another 24 hours, sz11 now down in the $470 range. I actually temporarily forgot I had early yesterday thrown in a bid for $530. Then prices started falling and I thought, I should delete that bid and lower it or wait another day or three and see what happens. Got distracted with work stuff, totally spaced and didn't do it, and suddenly I got the SX notification that bid was accepted. SMFH. Ahhhh well, still way better than the people who were shelling out hundreds and hundreds more just a week or two ago. I just want the dang shoes so I can wear them immediately.
Don’t be cheap, rainking rainking

You just like Bezos.
My sz 11.5W is slowly creeping down but not sure where it'll lay. I hope when pairs come in hand next few days people undercut to where they reach $400...
Honestly man that’s what I’m hoping for. **** the people that got em to make a quick buck.
I should've held off another 24 hours, sz11 now down in the $470 range. I actually temporarily forgot I had early yesterday thrown in a bid for $530. Then prices started falling and I thought, I should delete that bid and lower it or wait another day or three and see what happens. Got distracted with work stuff, totally spaced and didn't do it, and suddenly I got the SX notification that bid was accepted. SMFH. Ahhhh well, still way better than the people who were shelling out hundreds and hundreds more just a week or two ago. I just want the dang shoes so I can wear them immediately.

Yup this what happened to me. Prices dropped the next day by 50 and now 100. It's better what I originally paid.
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