A North Korean man suffering starvation was put to death after it was learned he ate two of his chil

the nomad

Jul 21, 2012
[h1]New reports of starving North Koreans resorting to cannibalism come amid renewed tensions between Pyongyang and Washington[/h1][h2]A North Korean man suffering starvation was put to death after it was learned he ate two of his children, a new report claims. While the man’s wife was away, he reportedly killed his eldest daughter and then his son after he had witnessed the murder. ‘We have meat,’ he told his wife on her return.[/h2]TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2013, 8:20 PMBY  DAVID KNOWLES  / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

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[h4]DAMIR SAGOLJ/REUTERS[/h4][h4]A farmer inspects his ruined crops in famine-plagued South Hwanghae province, where a man is said to have been executed recently after being reported for eating his two children.[/h4]

Life in famine-ravaged North Korea does not appear to be getting better now that Kim Jong Un has succeeded his infamous father, Kim Jong Il.

A man in South Hwanghae, North Korea was put to death by firing squad after it was learned he had eaten his two children, the Sunday Times reported, citing a story in the Asia Press. 

 “In my village in May, a man who killed his own two children and tried to eat them was executed by a firing squad,” an unnamed citizen journalist told Asia Press, which is based in Osaka, Japan. “While his wife was away on business he killed his eldest daughter and, because his son saw what he had done, he killed his son as well. When the wife came home, he offered her food, saying: ‘We have meat.’“
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and North Korea continues to deny that they have a food problem over there....

ya'll should go see the VICE documentary they did on NK....its like living on a different planet.

The dude in the documentary goes down to the dining hall in his hotel, its totally empty, but theres like 30 tables, each table is set with plates, silverware, etc...and the waitresses are walking around the tables, filling up cups of water, setting down plates of food, picking up plates to take back to the kitchen....and nobody's even sitting at the tables...LOL....

from what I understand, they're trying to show this dude how much food they have and how generous of a country they are, but in reality, they have nothing and the food they're serving this guy isn't even food, just chunks of tasteless matter....:lol: really crazy....
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Crazy world we live in. I really wish we knew more about NK and the things that go on there. What are their industries? How does the nation make money and support its economy? Are the people starving countrywide? This post got me curious about whats goes on there...
we need to stop ****** around either son hong kong jon whatever his name is make zombie ish or hes got his people living in a modern holocaust
I'm gonna check out that documentary, some of my clients are from NK but they are on the wealthy side. They're not really open about anything other than business. So I have no idea what goes on over there. 
I feel terrible for the people that live there. Check out the documentary Camp 14 on netflix. Pretty crazy some of the stories told.
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Damn. Sounds like a plot to some kind of horror, apocalyptic movie. Terrible.

That country is a hell hole that doesn't care about their people. Someone needs to send a team over there to execute the horrible leaders they have.
I'm not one to judge those that need to resort to cannibalism but to off your kids so you could eat, nah, that ain't cool. If anything he should have offed himself so the children had meat.
Something needs to be done about that country. People have it bad all over the world but imagine if you were born in North Korea. How the idea of life has been stripped from you as soon as you were born. Everywhere you always see these help Darfur campaigns and such. The brain washing, slaving, and torture over there has to be worse than any genocide going on else where. for all they know North Korea is the entire planet. thats how F'ed up it is. Its 2013 there should be a global scale of this saying help North Korea and save those people.

America needs to send a long range missile right through Kim Jung whatever it is now's bedroom window.

If someone has a problem with it this is what America should say.

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What are you gonna do about it?
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this is awful..i cant believe places like this still exist..

it's too bad that our country is the one that is expected to do something about it, then when we do everyone says that we are always trying to be the worlds police..

why don't our asian counterparts do something to help their neighbors who truly are in need of their help, this is no way for anyone to live.

it's a sad thing when people dont even have rice...
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