A warning: Don't try ecstasy... vol. bad choice by my girl

Originally Posted by DJ bana

anxiety = ecstasy.
depression = ectasy.
brain erosion = ecstasy.
serotonin shock = ecstasy.

i learned the hard way. hate on it, i dont care, im so healthy and happy after what happened to me.
i hope more posts like this teach some of the younger kids on here not to mess with hard drugs.
those that are freely talking about how much they pop .. eh, its not a good look.

i'll stick to things that dont harm my body or send me to a hospital and rehab.

I am sorry you got a bad pill, but I don't know any one else who has experienced this. And I know a lot of folks who have done E. I'm from the BayArea, and that stuff was HUGE some years back. Also, rehab? E is known to be nonaddictive.
DRUGS ARE WACK!! I remember this 1 guy from my hs tried X 1 time and he overdosed and died from it... man its not worth the risk of taking these drugs just toexperience it..
Originally Posted by vrp32tl

Originally Posted by C o IVI p L e X

but poppin' X is a experience that i think everyone should go through.
Yeah, I hella want my son to experience X when he gets older. This guy!
So your basically telling me I haven't experienced life because I've never done E???

pretty much
The only time i did ecstasy was last halloween at a rave called Monster Massive. It was my first time going to a rave, so i wanted to try it. I only wanted todo one pill originally, but ended up droppin three and it was incredible; the bass, the lights, and all of the half naked ladies that were also on one
. The next few days after that rave sucked though, i was real depressed andwhenever i smoked it felt like i was rollin again.
I remember the first time I took E and was drunk. I had a bad trip and got hella paranoid/anxiety thinking I was gonna die that night.
ive done e like 2 or 3 times. the first time i did it was on my prom night. had one of the best times of my life! the drug just gives you one of the bestfeelings you can ever experience. but i dont think i'll ever do it again cause that %+*@ really %@!*% people up
In High Scholl I popped all kinds of X's.

After 03 I aint seen but a handful of batches of real good pills. Most of the @$!% aint even X.

I have not not taken one in prolly a year and a half.

But back in the day I remeber: ( all H-town )

Heavens Gates
Tullip (wow, prolly best pill I ever took next to superman)
Chocalate Chip
Chicago Bulls (double stamped)

The list goes on and on. Not my @$!% anymore, last time I took it was a potnas b-day.

Candy-Flipping is something else all together.

I also agree everyone should try this or something similar in there lifetime.
Originally Posted by str8barre

Candy-Flipping is something else all together.

Yo you did this? Isn't that E and acid? Heard it's a trip, but there's no way I'm trying that.
now n days MDMA is not the only thing in thizz, meth seems to be a common base (and meth is "one hell of a drug"). long story short know what you aregetting into.
Yea 1 Time Prolly 3-4 years ago. It is X and acid taken together.

1st and only Rave I have been to. The Rave was in H-town and it was F-ing huge.

Im far from the Rave-going type. My potnas were into the +@@+ tuff. So I was like F-it.

+@@+ was Crazy me and my friend just sat at the very back of the huge crowd of dancing fools, looking at the the lights, and hearing that crazy %@$ music.

All the while my head is going through things that would prolly drive most people crazy.
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

Originally Posted by Hustle1man

ill never do X because my first 2 experiences with people on it around me was too weird. First time i was 17 and my boys at 3pm were like come over and play bball, i go over there and 4 of em are in the back just wearing shorts and wife beaters trying to hug me and mess. I was like
. 2nd time a dif group of friends were rollin and all just on one bed together lounging on each other chewing on toothbrushes. just too weird for me.


the mental picture I got from this story is unexplainable


same here,
the way things are going for me right now i wish i could just pop one of them triple stacks...(superman or transformer)
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by DJ bana

anxiety = ecstasy.
depression = ectasy.
brain erosion = ecstasy.
serotonin shock = ecstasy.

i learned the hard way. hate on it, i dont care, im so healthy and happy after what happened to me.
i hope more posts like this teach some of the younger kids on here not to mess with hard drugs.
those that are freely talking about how much they pop .. eh, its not a good look.

i'll stick to things that dont harm my body or send me to a hospital and rehab.

I am sorry you got a bad pill, but I don't know any one else who has experienced this. And I know a lot of folks who have done E. I'm from the Bay Area, and that stuff was HUGE some years back. Also, rehab? E is known to be nonaddictive.

I didnt get a "bad pill." It was completely clean and tested. I was referring to all drugs when i said things that send you to rehab. People arestupid if they think a BAD PILL is the only thing that can harm you while taking ecstasy. smh.
i got 2 pills left... after these im done... i think... i hope... damnit im an addict... i need some weed...
weed is a great to smoke when you are fading out and want to go to sleep. Pure mdma doesnt have that bad of a hangover
popped over a hundred pills in my day. maintain a 3.4 in college. and start on the tennis team too.

im not addicted. i was jus too crazy in high school. i did it a lot first year of college too.

ive done it a couple times this summer, but def cut down in recent years
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