abernja's collection as of - Dec '11 - Update on pg 13

OG Penny 1's
great solid collection. can't go wrong with those kobes & penny. any chance you can post an updated group pic since a lot seems to be coming and going?
Originally Posted by Lockon Stratos

great solid collection. can't go wrong with those kobes & penny. any chance you can post an updated group pic since a lot seems to be coming and going?
Group picture of a specific line or do you mean my whole collection?
Originally Posted by abernja

Originally Posted by Lockon Stratos

great solid collection. can't go wrong with those kobes & penny. any chance you can post an updated group pic since a lot seems to be coming and going?
Group picture of a specific line or do you mean my whole collection?

sorry for the very delayed response abernja. I'm kinda having trouble keeping track of my posts but to answer your question, I think we have almost the same taste in shoes so I would have to say the whole collection.

So here it is, the last time you will ever see these all together.

To be honest today has been the worst day of my life. I became angry over finances. I've never done that before. This was my wake up call. I'm ready to be debt free. So within the next few weeks all (90%) of these shoes will be going to new homes.

It's really a sad day for myself and tears me up inside knowing that I have to get rid of the one thing I've devoted most of my life too. Hours searching for that one pair that will put out the
"fire" inside me for another pair. Sometimes you have to face tough obstacles in order to better your own life. This is my challenge, and I will soon prevail.

So without further bantering here's the encore post. Enjoy!!!
Damn, sorry to hear that J. Looks like Im in the same boat as you, I need to downsize about 70% percent of my kicks as well.
Its gonna be hard but its what needs to be done
Thats a top notch collection for sure, sorry you gotta break it up.
sad day in the life of a sneakerhead.
i hope my day doesnt come anytime soon.
damn that's terrible....so sorry to hear that fam. well, I'll keep an eye for your posts cause I see a couple pairs that I'm interested in. are majority of your kicks sz 10.5-11?
Damn dude that sucks, sorry to hear that, i'm facing that reality right now, trying to move, and buying a house. I've been fighting with that same thought going back and forth. Good luck Abernja!
Very nice J 
 its sad a lot of people are having to sell off collection good luck tho a lot people on niketalk are maxing out credit cards to keep this habit up im not i had to learn the hard way but now i use straight cash, straight heat u got there 
Originally Posted by smurfdavid

Very nice J 
 its sad a lot of people are having to sell off collection good luck tho a lot people on niketalk are maxing out credit cards to keep this habit up im not i had to learn the hard way but now i use straight cash, straight heat u got there 
I don't "HAVE" to sell, just feel it's the best thing for me. Thankfully I've only ever bought two shoes on credit.
The real reason is my car payment. I don't like making it, so I figure why not pay it off asap!

An few hundred extra each month would make my shoe habit sooooo much easier to deal with.

BTW - I know there is a guy in here who's not happy with me cuz I won't give up my Volts lol. Sorry bro, not yet.
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