Absolutely Disgusting...

So, wait. You made this thread because?

Are you simply reporting news for discussion purposes or to try to tie wrong behavior to "conservatives" yet again and purposely gin up a bashsession?

Based on your posts in the thread, this is another attempt to paint with the "guilt by association" brush. You're supposed to impugn theindividual, not the group of people she professes to be one of.
So, wouldn't it be nice to have health care for everyone? Cause I read about a few million Americans not having it... so why are people against that?

Heath insurance does not equal health care. Many people fear that if the government becomes involved in this facet of life, then where is the line drawn?It's a dangerous precedent. Others fear that this will cause employers to drop insurance plans for their employees due to financial reasons. The so-called'death-panel' rhetoric stems from the aged community's fear that because they have already lived many years, they won't be given treatment upto their demands. Finally, the influx of however many uninsured Americans who would now have health insurance, without a parallel growth in doctors, woulddrastically overwhelm the system, causing delays and poor service from overworked doctors.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by J Burner

ya'll act like extreme liberals are any different. Extremists are idiots, period. ^^^And Bill Maher is a moron dude, sorry to burst your bubble.

Yes extremists of anything are bad BUT extremist liberals are rarely seen. Extremist Conservatives is the whole base..

If you were to say he was a smug and conceited person I would agree but a moron I highly disagree.
Do you really believe that?
Originally Posted by joegolfdad

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by J Burner

ya'll act like extreme liberals are any different. Extremists are idiots, period. ^^^And Bill Maher is a moron dude, sorry to burst your bubble.

Yes extremists of anything are bad BUT extremist liberals are rarely seen. Extremist Conservatives is the whole base..

If you were to say he was a smug and conceited person I would agree but a moron I highly disagree.
Do you really believe that?

of course not but it is the image.. And it is who they try to please.. So it is as if the politicians ceased to thinkregular conservatives exist by acting like extreme conservatives.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

This nation is broken. Its values, its morale, it's all been a sham.

It's been like that for a while.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

This nation is broken. Its values, its morale, it's all been a sham.

When was it ever well put together with values and morals?
man this dude sitting here talkin about how the nation of israel and their army's got great health care compared to the U.S...but who's funding theisraeli government, because it sure aint the people of israel...

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

I'm am sooooooooo livid right now...so livid...YESS I"M MAD...

I'm so tired of "these people" having a free pass to say whatever the fudge they want and never ever having to worry about the repercussions of their actions.

Obama says that a cop "acted stupidly" and he is up in his nuts in controversy and ridicule...yet you have people like this, spewing genuinely hateful rhetoric and no one says jack shwitzu...SO F&#*^# RIDICULOUS.

For those of you who don't know--this is a prime example of WHITE PRIVILEGE, and the POWER it engenders...

although i agree with your statement on many points, you gotta think about how this woman is not the president of the U.S. and how that affects the responseothers will have. believe me, as a person of color, i'm nowhere close to being a fan of white privilege, but in this specific case, i dont really think ithas to do with white privilege, but moreso the fact that this lady is a nobody. if any president, white-black-yellow-brown-red, said "hailhitler"...uhmmmmm yeah, media is gonna have a field day.

but whatever the case, i dont condone her actions. pretty ignorant, offensive, and disrespectful.
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